And be happy with (divine) mercy and fragrance and the Lord who is not angry. They continue to utter these words till it comes out and then they ascend with it to the heaven and (the gate of the heaven) is opened. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Rasoolullah placed his blessed hands on the food and recited something. My wife and myself are expecting our first child in few month. Answer: In the name of Allah, Most Merciful. Receiving the Book of Deeds 28.7 7. Is it permissible to do more than 4 Takbeers for Janazah? And the 40th day after death marks the time when they left the world. A dead person can no longer do any good deeds to lighten their test in the grave. Likewise, we recite the Holy Quran in Fatiha which is unfound in other religions. These writings of the Peer Sahib have conclusively decided the matter. The Hadith states, He who resembles a nation is from amongst them. 10.29a Due to this, Fatiha is forbidden. Now, on whatever date or day the Fatiha of Huzoor Ghause-Azam is made or a little money is spent on his name, it is popularly known as Gyarwee Sharif. Is giving a discount based on sales target permissible in a business? These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. In this state, the help of the living quickly reaches the dead and the latter wait eagerly for their aid. You have constantly remembered me through the Baarawi, I grant you the Gyanvee {i.e. 3 days, 10 days, 40 days, Gyarwee (11th), etc. And We [i.e. So if food is placed in front for Fatiha and Isaal-e-Thawaab, what is wrong with doing so?! Is there any significance of the 3rd day (Ziyarat) or 40 days (Chehlum) after a persons death? Blowing of the Trumpet 26.3 3. 40th days after death is mubah, it means when we do it we will not be rewarded not committing sin. In Filipino tradition, the name for this is "pasiyam" which means "that which is done for 9 days.". And 40 days after what is called the arbyin, and one year after the one year. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Under the ayat, 10.29 Shah Abdul-Azeez states, At the first stage of demise (i.e. I heard that when someone dies their soul stays around for 40 days. A 5 Rules Of Collecting Debt From Someone Who Online Forex Trading In Islam, Is It Allowed? What Happens To The One Who Dies In The State Of Kufr/Shirk. What harm is now caused by placing food in front at the time of dua? Intercession 24.12 12. It is permissible for her to mourn the death of her husband until her Iddat (waiting period after death) which is four months and ten days if she is not deceased. And be happy with (divine) mercy and fragrance and the Lord who is not angry. They continue to utter these words till it comes out and then they ascend with it to the heaven and (the gate of the heaven) is opened. Blowing of the Trumpet 27.3 3. Because of that, you should read Yasin for people who have died between you.. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Another common objection is that this order was from the scriptures (saheefas) of Hadrat Ibrahim and Hadrat Musa , not Islam (it was merely quoted here), or that this ayat has been made inapplicable (mansookh) by this verse, This is the verdict of Hadrat Abdullah ibn Abbas which is why Muslim infants will enter Jannat through the means of their parents. The three main opinions are: at 120 days at 40 days when there is voluntary movement of the foetus This usually happens during the. Mishkaat, Baabul-Fitan. Haaji lmdaaduIllah Sahib also writes, The Gyarwee of Huzoor Ghaus-ePaak Fatiha on the 10 days, 20 days, 40 days, 6 months. Hajj), if a person says to another, Give out Zakaat on my behalf, the latter may do so. Fatiha, Teeja (Fatiha made on the 3rd day after a person's death), Daswaa (the l0th day after Chaliswaa (on the 40 day after), etc. It is said, Who is this (man)? It will be said So and so. Will angels descend to eat it? All of these extracts prove the permissibility of the common practices of Fatiha, Teeja, etc. Does a woman observe the Iddah of death from the time her husband passes away or after he is buried? My father recently Under the ayat, 10.4 Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan states, It is narrated from Hadrat Aaraj that 4,000 angels say Ameen on the dua made after the completion of the Holy Qurans recitation. You were in a pure body. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best Mufti Ebrahim Desai Original Source Link It will be said, No welcome to the wicked soul that was in the wicked body. Completing the salaah individually if the imaam performs 3 rakaats. At the time of completing the Holy Quran (Khatmul-Quran), Hadrat Anas used to gather his family members and make dua. The following hadith also gives an explanation regarding what happens to the soul after death: Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to have said, Angels visit a dying person. Sirat 28.11 11. In the indo Pak bangladesh If this is a Hadith, what would those Ahadith wherein inclination is made towards giving out charity on behalf of the deceased mean? The Holy Quran tells us that after death, one goes in the stage of barzakh, and remains in that stage until the day of Resurrection. If a specific time is not appointed at all, this deed cannot be satisfactorily completed. Purgatory All of the workers used to wish that the initial share of their salaries be spent on the Fatiha of Huzoor Ghause-Paak , Thus, they would bring some sweetmeats home in the evening after work and the Fatiha was made after Maghrib (the 11th night). When two angels, Munkar and Nakir, arrive at the cemetery, they interrogate the deceased about the manner they lived their lives. In some places, food is prepared and fed to the poor first with Isaal-e-Thawaab being made afterwards, while in other places, Isaal-eTbawaab is made with the food being in front first and then fed to the people. The only exception is the widow, which is for four months and 10 days. Shall I fast on her behalf?" ' The Prophet, , said: "If your mother was in debt, would you pay off her debt?" The man replied in the affirmative. 32559 0 2576. 1. So those are all the importance of 40th day after death in Islam. Before the day comes, the deceased soul remain in the house, preparing to say good bye to their family. For a complete discussion on this, refer to Shaami, BaabuMakroohaatis-Salaah. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account It is prohibited after this except for those who are far and distant). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Imam Thawus said : A died person will get test from Allah in his grave during seven days. Allah Taala states, O you who believe! Is taking a commission from suppliers allowed as long as the company doesnt suffer a loss? About 6 to 8 hours before the deceased passed away, she was reaching her hand out and saying mama sometimes MENUMENU Hanafi Fiqh AnswersToFatawa Arij Canada According to Islam, every deceased Muslim linger on Earth 40 up to 40 days after their death. If the food of the Fatiha for the deceased is prepared from ones estate, it must be bared in mind that the Fatiha should not be made from the share of an absent or minor (Naa-Baaligh) inheritor. 41, Even the Teeja of Shah Waliyullah (who the opposition accepts as their leader) took place. If a person recites Surah Ikhlaas 11 times and conveys its reward to the deceased, all of the deceased equally receive the thawaab.10.8-Baobu-Dafn, Qiraat IiI-Mayyit, Under the above extract. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question: Is it permissible to complete a reading of the Qur'an forty days after someone's death? This proves the permissibility of Fatiha. When a man is righteous they (angels) say, Come out, 0 pure soul. After eating, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah, Both of these are included in Fatiha and are probably not refuted much by the opposition. After this, they make ibaadat in Allahs presence and, in the form of physical bodies, go wherever they wish. It is also famous amongst the masses that the soul of the deceased remains attached to his home for 40 days, It is possible for this to have a legitimate source and proves that there is change with the number 40, As a result, it is appropriate for Fatiha to be made on the 40th day, a practice not even prohibited by Shariah. Seeing yellowish discharge when waking up, Allah has given all the human beings free will that is he has given them a choice of selection. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Specifying or days and dates, e.g. . The object is that mourning (maatam) should not be made. Passing on the reward (Isaal-e-Thawaab) by mouth (i.e. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Women gathering on the Teeja to cry, lament and wait loudly all of which are undoubtedly Haraam. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of cookies. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Time Where the Deceased is Tested by Allah. Alamghiri states, The time for consoling and offering ones condolences is from the time of death until 3 days after. Life after death in Islam Hanafi. This is why Hadrat Abdullah ibn Masood, Now remains the question: Why have these particular dates been fixed? The reason behind fixing the 11, Also, major events of the Buzurgs occurred on the 10, It has also been experienced, and this is my personal observation, that much barkat is attained in the home by regularly making Fatiha on the 11, There is wisdom in fixing the third day for Teeja (3, People used to come for offering condolences (taziyat) until this 3, , This is why lsaal-e-Thawaab is made for him as soon as possible. This is why he said that consolation (taziyat) is not permissible for more than three days. usulamalekumwhat happens in the life after death? When a person died, all their good deeds will be stopped unless for three things: amal jaariyah, a useful knowledge, and children who dont stop sending prayers and doing good deeds for them. The Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Both of these are included in Fatiha and are probably not refuted much by the opposition. -Tafsen Khazaainul-Irfaan, etc. Qaadbi Tbanaullah Paani Patti, The poor and needy being fed after making the Fatiha of Isaal-e-Thawaab is allowed by all. Without having done any deed, they will attain rank. Is giving a discount based on sales target permissible in a business? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. However, for the heart and tongue to both be in accordance is better for the public, Thus, if it is said, O Allah Convey the reward of this food to (so-and-so], here too is this better, After this, based on the mind and heart concentrating more when that for which dua is made is present, people began placing the food in front, and it was then realized that with this dua, it will be more effective if some recitation of Allahs Kalaam (i.e. Receiving the Book of Deeds 26.7 7. Yes, the difference between wealth and thawaab is that distributed wealth no longer remains with you and the amount becomes less with every added person it is shared with. The guests wish for them to stay healthy and strong during the hard times, so the family must give them the best hospitality as a gratitude. Jumal, Khaazin. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. the soul of the deceased returns to his home to see whether people give out charity on his behalf or not. -Ibid. the Jurists (Fuqahaa) have allowed specifying a particular Surah in uamaaz based on a wisdom {hikmat). Barzakh 28.2 2. Rule Food of the Fatiha for the deceased should be fed to the poor and needy only. It does not store any personal data. It is believed that the soul of the departed remains wandering on Earth during the 40-day period, coming back home, visiting places the departed has lived in as well as their fresh grave." These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Who will eat this charity? After burial, we should stand at the graveside for a little while and assist the deceased through Isaal-eThawaab and Talqeen. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. innovation) for which no authority has been revealed by Allaah. Simple-Biryaani is a collection of rice. Answer Reciting the Holy Quran on impure things and in dirty places is Haraam, which is why there is no recitation when giving such things away in charity. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". "The 40th Day concludes the 40-day memorial period and has a major significance in traditions of Eastern Orthodox. Hadrat Abu Hurairah states that he came to the Holy Prophet with some dates and asked him to make dua for barkat on them. It does not store any personal data. What happens then? When death comes, do we see the angel of death 40 days before we die? Come out as praiseworthy. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. Why is this? To pass on the reward of physical and financial ibaadat to other Muslims is permissible, and the thawaab reaches the person whom it is passed to. Should be recited and then said afterwards, O Allah! The soul does not stay around for 40 days. Instead, it remains in the stage of Barzakh after being taken by the angels and carried to Allah. On Thursday nights. Is taking a commission from suppliers allowed as long as the company doesnt suffer a loss? Sirat 27.11 11. Before the day comes, the deceased soul remain in the house, preparing to say good bye to their family. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. In fact, this is a praiseworthy sunna of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). 24. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Apocalypse or Qiyama 26.4 4. Then are various methods to this. Now remains the question: Why have these particular dates been fixed? The reason behind fixing the 11th date is that, in all the departments of Islamic kings and Rulers, salaries used to be given on the 10th day after the sighting of the moon. Do i need her consent. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Whether one recites Quranic ayats in Fatiba and thereafter lifts the bands to make dua for Isaal-e-Thawaab or recites the Holy Quran and Kalima Sharif on Teeja and prepares food to make niaz, all practices are establisbcd. the soul at death] reaches the throat. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. What is this O Muhammed in this supplication? Purgatory Today, Jalsas, exams, vacations, etc. He asked about this and was told, I see my mother in Jannat. Upon hearing this, Imam Junaid said, I learnt the authenticity of this young mans Unveiling of Sight (Mukaashifa) through the Hadith, and !he authentication of whatever the Hadith said was from it. Tahzeerun-Naas, Pg. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This is the general practice of Mashaaikh in Tahajjud Salaah. Faisla Haft-Masala. The deceased is placed before in Salaatul-Janaazah because the dua is being made for him. saying, O AlIah ! all fall under this. duaa for him and remember him is undoubtedly bidah (reprehensible Shadaqa that are done in the name of the death will be beneficial for him. for the deceased is made by mass-invitation of family and friends for name and fame to partake in the food). Namaaz-e-Janaazah is made by Muslims for another Muslim. Apocalypse or Qiyama 24.4 4. After death, most Muslims believe that the soul will enter Barzakh, a state of waiting, until the Day of Judgement. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Some scholars say it is forty (40) days, others say it is sixty (60) days and some say there is no limit to the maximum number of days a woman can be a in a state of nifaas. Fataawa Azeezia states. The Reward for Group Prayer Outside Mosques. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Our vision at the Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago is to impart a sound Islamic as well as academic education along with good morals. The mould of Hadrat Adam remained in one condition for 40 years, a baby remains in the womb of the mother for 40 days as semen, then it becomes a blood-clot for 40 days and thereafter remains a mass of flesh for 40 days, Mishkaat, Baabul-Imaan btl. However, we shall make do with the above. The Holy Prophet gave out charity on behalf of Ameer Harnza on the 3rd, 7th and 40th day, as well as on the 6lh and 12th month subsequent to his demise. Shah Waliyullah writes, Durood Sharif should be read ten times, followed by the entire Khatam of the Holy Quran. Yes when joining multiple Halaal things is known to be Haraam (e.g, being wed to two sisters at one time) or when, by joining two Halaal things together, something Haraam is produced (e.g. Can I accept commission from a property broker for selling the owners brothers property? The source for this is also found in the Ahadith. And Islam allowed Muslim to set a certain date to remember the 40th days after death in Islam. 6 months), then 3 months and thereafter on 45 days, which is half of 3 months, Fatiha on the 4Oth day has been fixed instead because this number aids in spiritual and physical development. We use our mouths to eat and feet to walk and so do they! Haaji Imdaadullah Muhaajir Makki, He further writes, Intention from the heart is only sufficient in namaaz. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The Islamic Law for the Remembrance is Mubah. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Dhoti, Choti, etc.). Fatiha after a year (Barsi) or 40 days (Chaliswaa), etc. When people requested him to lecture every day, he replied, I do not wish to place you in difficulty. -Mishkaat, Kitaabul-llm. The reward of every act of worship definitely reaches the correct person. This Qurbaani is on behalf of my Ummat.. What they have prohibited is something entirely different family and friends taking food on the name of the deceased (for them to be saved from the taunts of people, the Teeja, Daswa, etc. Also, foreign families and friends become part of the Fatiha through this practice because a traveler generally reaches his home or destination on the third day. Islam has its own tradition regarding death, and it is also affected by the culture and society. We have to speak out against such practices. Nowhere is eating Biryaani proven to be anything but Halaal. From this tradition and others, as well as the Quranic verses, it is evident that after death, the soul is returned to the body in the grave and remains in the stage of barzakh until the day of Resurrection. Is it permissible to watch recorded videos of female teachers, as part of an online course, during Islamic fasting? After death, the heart of the deceased originally lingers with his friends and family and thereafter slowly detaches itself from them. Kindly explain the Sharee ruling on exchanging gifts especially on Valentines day. Also read:Importance of Reflection of Islam. Beyond this is Makrooh except if the person beinffi consoled, or the person who offers his condolences, is absent at this time. .28- Kitaabul-Janaaiz, Baabud-Dafn. This answer was collected from, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Waseem Khan from Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago. Answer: In the name of Allah, Most Merciful. 6. Does crying for a deceased's mistakes go against Quran's "not burdening another's soul"? I would like to know if Oreo Cakester is Halaal? It should be known that this is a custom of the Home Hanafi Fiqh We need to mourn for 3 days over a funeral, Some practise 40 days of mourn/recitation. Similarly, dua is always made while standing before the grave (Qabr). Blowing of the Trumpet 26.3 3. There can be nothing said against the conveyance of reward {lsaal-e-Thawaab} to the souls of the deceased, If Isaal-e-Thawaab is done with the belief of obligation or specification of it occurring only ina particular time or period, it is prohibited, However. died ( XXXX) so I would like to know the islamic ruling on these kind of observences? Gathering Place 26.6 6. Only the following transpires and makes up Fatiha: Recitation of the Holy Quran, which is a physical act of worship (ibaadat), and Charity, which is financial ibaadat. Ubaid bin Umair said : A believer and a hypocrite will face test together in the grave. as they commemorate the 13th day for their dead. Registering ones marriage necessary as per Shariah. The reason behind 40 days, 1 year, etc. Unfortunately, I have not come across the cited Hadith anywhere (Food of the deceased causes the heart to become lifeless). 5 Things That Invalidate Salah You Should Aware! Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Therefore, when giving manure (which is dung and impure), you should read Fatiha and then give it. Indeed people who have died are defamed in the grave during seven days, then they (the companions of the Prophet) loved to (shadaqah), served food as the replacement of them who have died in those days. (Imam Suyuthi in the book of Al Hawi lil Al Fatawi), 10. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Rasoolullah, On the day of the Battle of Khandaq, Hadrat Jaabir, If a sheep dies by itself, the meat is considered carrion and Haraam. Intercession 26.12 12. The only intent and object behind appointing a date or day for a permissible work is so that all people may gather can complete it together. This Qurbaani is on behalf of my Ummat. 10.19 Hadrat Ibrahim also made dna with the Kaaba before him after he had completed building it. subcontinent, there is something in the culture where if any Muslim dies then after 40 Also, major events of the Buzurgs occurred on the 10th date (naturally followed by the 11th). But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Reciting the Qui-Sharif, Fatiha and Durood on the food for the niaz of Hadrat Imam Hasan, This proves the observance of Teeja and making the Khatarn of the Holy Kalaam of Allah, This proves that the forgiveness of the deceased is what is hoped wbeu conveying the reward of 105,000 Kalima Sharif and this is what is read on Teejas (the 3, All of these extracts prove the permissibility of the common practices of Fatiha, Teeja, etc. Enter as praiseworthy and be happy with the (Divine) mercy and fragrance (of Paradise) and the Lord who is not angry these words are continuously said to it (soul) till it reaches to the heaven in which Allah, the Mighty and Glorious exists. And when the man is evil, (the angels) say, Come out, 0 wicked soul. OBJECTION 4: When there is the joining of physical and financial ibaadat in Fatiha, you should also make Fatiha when giving impure things as charity. As long as there is no other beliefs or culture involved that against the principal of Islam. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It is permissible for her to mourn the death of her husband until her Iddat (waiting period after death) which is four months and ten days if she is not deceased. refer Hisn Haseen. May Allaah help us to follow the Answer Every resemblance to the Kuffaar is not forbidden. When the Nikah of a girl is made and she is sent to her in-laws, she is lovingly called and given gifts, etc, Then as time goes by, these acts decrease because, in the beginning, she had no attachment to her in-laws borne. It will be said, No welcome to the wicked soul that was in the wicked body. people will remember you through it), Yaazda Majlis, There is wisdom in fixing the third day for Teeja (3rd Day) as well. Barzakh 27.2 2. This answer was collected from, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa. 145. Similarly, it is said after sneezing, not when the veins of the nose begin to bleed. We use cookies on IslamQA to measure visitor stats. What happens in some Muslim countries where the This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Fatiha for Huzoor Ghause-Azam is made throughout the month of Rabiul-Aakhir but all are called Gyarwee Sharif. He said -Surah Baqarah, Verse 127. His soul is returned to him and he is questioned by the Malaaikah (angels). In his will (wasaya), he wrote, The food of my Fatiha should strictly be given to the needy and poor.. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, 'None should mourn the death of a person but for three days.' (Bukhari) It is clear from the abovementioned Hadith that it is not permissible to mourn the death of a person after three days. Is there any significance of the 3rd day (Ziyarat) or 40 days (Chehlum) after a persons death? Am I required to pay Zakat on a car that is owned by me, if I use it to deliver food? When he asked him regarding what had brought about this change in composure, the disciple explained through Mukaashifa (Unveiling of Sight), I see my mother in Jahannam. At that time, Hadrat Junaid had already recited the Kalima 105,000 times in aspiration of forgiveness found in some narrations concerning the recital of this amount of Kalima Sharif He inunediately conveyed the reward of this amount to this disciples mother but did not inform him of this. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Is it haram having pants below ankel deobandis are right? Then it is said, Who is this (man)? Upon which (the angels) say, (He is) so and so. Then it is said, Welcome to the pure soul; it was in the pure body. However, if this same dying animal had to be slaughtered with the name of Allah, After making Qurbaani on behalf of his Ummat, Rasoolullah, The adopted leaders of the opposition also deem the modem method of Fatiha as permissible. Receiving the Book of Deeds 24.7 7. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Questions cannot be asked through this form. Therefore abstaining from them is required because they do not intend Allah pleasure with their doings. Death shall not be feared since eventually every living will be dead. Fatiha, Teeja (Fatiha made on the 3, Under the ayat, , The above quotation appears in Imam Nawawis, Constantly making Fatiha is also sourced from this. It is clear from the abovementioned Hadith that it is not permissible to mourn the death of a person after three days. . Thus, 1O complete the recitation of the Quran at that time is good. This trumpet will be in the shape of a very large horn. A lot of Naatkwan say in there Naat hum ko bulana ya rasullallah is this permissible? 27 Stages Of Life After Death In Islam 27.1 1. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". One may engage in any prayer without regarding that as compulsory. Ashiatul-Lamaa states, Charity should be given from the day the deceased pass away until seven days after. Baabu Ziyaaratil-Quboor, The book further states. A Good Time for the Family to Send Prayers. Surely, that habit was never left since the period of companions until now, and that tradition is taken from Salaf Ulama since the first generation, they are companions. (The book of Al Hawi lil Al Fatawi). He further writes, Intention from the heart is only sufficient in namaaz. If she is deceased, her Iddat is till birth. In fact, this is a praiseworthy sunna of the Messenger of Allah (peace and Resurrection after death 28.5 5. The only exception is the widow. Q: Is there a thing like 40 days after a person passes away? Source: all fall under this. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Gathering Place 27.6 6. However, if you pass on thawaab to a few people, each one of them receives the complete reward (including you). The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Nowhere has Isaal-e- Thawaab or Fatiha been mentioned here. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This is why taking a gift from a minor (Naa-Baaligh) child is prohibited yet taking thawaab isnt. Shaami states, Whatever is possible to be read from the Quran should be recited. If she is deceased, her Iddat is till birth. The Holy Prophet commanded the fast of Ashura even though there is likeness to the Jews in it.
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