As the arguments escalated, Angelina began linking the rights of enslaved people to the rights of women. few I show my Social Studies classes. Garrison and his followers had failed to convert the slaveholders. Alexandra Hannibal, Stage Managers When he left London to return home in the spring of 1847, 1,400 people came to see him off. A few weeks into the tour, the relentless pace and grueling conditions began to tell on Garrison. Harriet Beecher Stowe (Kate Lyn Sheil):Don't they all? Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks, audio):It so happened that I was speaking to a large audience in National Hall. The master made a great pet of me, while the Negro boy was badly clothed, poorly fed, and beaten before my eyes with iron shovels or any other thing that came first to hand. The war was over. Narrator:On March 20th, 1852, a publisher released a book on a difficult subject by an unknown author. That is slavery. Harriet Beecher Stowe (Kate Lyn Sheil, audio):Yesterday, I went downtown and found all gloomy and discouraged. Special Collections, Fine Arts Library, Harvard University Mrs. Grimk (Crystal Cupp):I've told you before, dear -- that's Henry's business. In effect, it turns the entire country into a slave nation. Such conduct grieves me to the heart. He had few friends or allies. Carol Berkin, Historian:Of course, since they're women, to speak in front of a mixed -- or as they called it, promiscuous -- audience of men and women was absolutely forbidden. Tomas Sturgis Trigo Season 1 Episode 3, This resource contains 56 questions with a key pertaining to, 53 minute film on Amazon. A crowd estimated at 10,000 had gathered outside the Charleston Citadel. The infighting left the abolition movement fragmented and disheartened. Like many Northerners, Stowe was deeply disturbed by the Fugitive Slave Law. Some lost hope and returned to their masters. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks, audio):A free state around me, and the free earth under my feet! Narrator:For Brown, Lovejoy's death was a sign from God: He must never again stand helpless in the face of evil. The final blow came when Garrison published ugly insinuations about an affair between Douglass and Julia Griffiths. Buy the entire bundle for only $2.98. Thirty years after the former 13 American colonies abandoned the Articles of Confederation "in order to form a more . He moved not with the tide, but against it. For her, its cruelty was all too real -- every account of flight, of capture, tore at the agonizing memory of Charley's death. Together with Shields Green, a fugitive he had befriended in Rochester, Douglass quietly made his way to a stone quarry at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. I read your book, sir. But all the same, Garrison's continued radicalism would be a great help in paving the way for a moderate, anti-slavery Republican. Representatives brandished revolvers in the halls of Congress, and the nation contemplated the imminent collapse of the Union. Douglass's location allows him to be very involved in the Underground Railroad. Kathryn Stephens He worked through the night, producing a radical document that crystallized his own beliefs, especially his faith in the power of nonviolence. Fotosearch The only thing in the American economy worth more as simply a financial asset was the land itself, and no one really quite knows how to value North America. That contribution to our bleeding cause, alone, involves us in a debt of gratitude which cannot be measured. I was never so happy and confident as I am at the present time. Hundreds of thousands of men, white and black, would be swallowed up in the abyss. Aaron Angus John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):Your speeches have been an inspiration to us. The City of Petersburg-Department of Tourism, VA And Douglass doesn't even tell him first-hand. In the spring of 1854, fugitive slave Anthony Burns sat in Boston's city jailas protests for hisrelease turned violent. New Castle Courthouse Museum, New Castle, DE The next day, Douglass heard that federal marshals had arrived at his home, hot on his trail. Dylan Frayser I have known the mistress of a family borrow servants to wait on company, because their own slaves had been so cruelly flogged, that they could not walk without limping at every step, and their putrefied flesh emitted such an intolerable smell that they were not fit to be in the presence of company. "Sir," he addressed Garrison, as the church fell silent. Randolph Grant, Jr. Client Protective Services, Inc. Loading Download and Save: AbolitionistStrategiesWorksheet.pdf Source | American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning On June 2nd, 1854, all Boston watched as hundreds of U.S. Marines, cavalry, infantry, and artillery, along with the county militia and the Boston police, marched Anthony Burns from the jail to a ship waiting in the harbor. Angela Ratliff Throwing caution to the winds, he published the story of his life. This episode is approximately 53 minutes long. Partisans on each side of the struggle perceived a mortal threat: whichever way Kansas went, the territories further west would likely go the same way. abolitionists were often targeted and harassed, sometimes violently. Amistad Research Center at Tulane University, New Orleans, LA When the House passed a gag rule forbidding their consideration, it added to Northern suspicions that the government was operating for the benefit of slaveholders. Overview Abolitionism was a social reform effort to abolish slavery in the United States. "As it was, all hands in the house united in making him up a bed." The Collection of the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County On the night of May 24th, 1856, Brown and four of his sons dragged five pro-slavery men from their cabins, and hacked them to pieces with broadswords. Pop Peterson Narrator:Garrison fled into a back alley, and hid away in a carpenter shop. "SUASION" COMES FROM SAME WORD AS IN "PERSUASION"; MEANS TO CONVINCE OR TO COUNSEL. Narrator:By the fall of 1835, anti-abolitionist violence was closing in on Boston. Colby Bartine First Assailant (Actor):All right. Perspective on the Slave Narrative | NEH-Edsitement Soon, Boston was in an uproar. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks, audio):"Tell your story, Frederick," would whisper my friend, William Lloyd Garrison, as we stepped upon the platform. Now, they hoped to deprive them of their financial and political support in the North. Paul Taylor, Second Associate Producer Charmaine Crowell-White For almost four decades, Garrison had dedicated his life to this moment. Get the rope. "Whatever political or personal differences have divided us," Douglass wrote, "a common goal makes us forget those differences and strike at the common foe." The petitions, the campaigns, the rallies, the marches, the meetings and resolutions and fundraisers, the mobs, the beatings -- all of the sacrifices had been suddenly dealt away by a handful of men in Washington. But at the beginning of July, Charley, Stowe's beloved little boy, was taken ill. Joan D. Hedrick, Historian:She called him her summer child. It was all she could do to send accounts of home life to her husband, who was working out of town for the summer. I do. We'll get him Hey, we'll get him on the way back out! members of the growing band of reformers who worked to abolish, or end, slavery. Without the abolitionists, the Civil War would not have occurred. Northerners were flooding Congress with anti-slavery petitions. Rob Rapley, Original Concept Developed by Printing Press Footage Shot by Paul Searle at Type A Press His diploma is written on his back. I have no language to express the feelings of my heart. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):Oh, it was a sight worth seeing: Those ragged, coatless men and boys in the pit -- the very material of which mobs are made -- cheering the strongest and sublimest anti-slavery sentiments! Narrator:John Brown was almost killed when the Marines stormed the engine house. 2a. He did make time to attend anti-slavery gatherings, and was an avid reader of the most prominent abolitionist newspaper of the day, William Lloyd Garrison'sThe Liberator. There are four million men in bondage who will fly to our banner. David W. Blight, Historian:The heart of the evangelical Christian's worldview was this idea that the individual can be converted almost immediately. Have them prepare a brief speech stating their position on the views expressed in the debate. Greg French Early Photography Charles Harris Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. The Bridge Sound and Stage, Cambridge, MA James Brewer Stewart, Historian:William Lloyd Garrison's religious background was not just a background, it was at the core of who he was. Kathleen Kearney, Advisors He had many more black supporters than white supporters. It's a free soil party committed to the non-extension of slavery. William Herndon assured him that he and Lincoln were working to the same end. Boston Mob Leaders United American Costume Company Lisa Figueroa Crawford He traveled around the Northeast, gathering a handful of allies among white reformers, but not enough to support his venture. Dorry Marie Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):You flatter me. By the time Angelina and Theodore attended an anti-slavery convention two days after the wedding, Philadelphia was seething with racial tension. Kenneth McCallum, Best Boy Grips Susannah McCarthy Only days after the burning of Pennsylvania Hall, a shaken Angelina moved with Theodore to a rustic farm in New Jersey. As he headed west from his home in upstate New York, he collected money and weapons for the fight. John Herb Narrator:Douglass hurriedly made his way north, his panic mounting as he realized that his fellow passengers were reading newspaper reports calling for his arrest. I do wonder, though, whether speeches will ever be enough. R. Blakeslee Gilpin, Historian:Southerners have a right to be outraged. But they had exposed the fatal weakness in the Union, and set the nation on course to the gravest crisis in its history. But in the fall of 1850, the country stepped back from the brink, when Congress adopted what became known as "The Great Compromise." Fragmentary reports of the uprising spread across the country. Kansas State Historical Society He did, however, have a plan -- a newspaper of his own, to promote immediate abolition. Oh, God, they'll be after all of us. But leave my soul to me, and Henry's to Henry. The personal liberty laws set alarm bells ringing throughout the South. Barry Davis Cheryl Stark Coll Anderson M.P.S.E. What is seen as this sort of idiosyncratic, peculiar Southern institution actually had an enormous economic significance in the national economy of the United States. John Stauffer, Historian:He was truly sadistic. She was reluctant to get involved, fearing that would bring disgrace to her mother back in Charleston. Douglass would have none of it. Anti-slavery Northerners all wanted it to be free territory. Eleanor Drew Ready to print and go - educational puzzles make great worksheets to keep in your sub folder or have on hand for early finishers. Joan D. Hedrick, Historian:She was really fueled by the grief for her baby, but I suspect, too, perhaps, anger at a Calvinist God. The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco John Seaborne They're going to be butchered, because that's Old Testament retribution. Antonio Perez Kemp 3 Ask students to guess that they are runaway slaves or anti-slavery sympathizers in the 1830s. We were separated when I was but an infant. Narrator:The vehemence of the reaction in the South took the abolitionists by surprise. Did the Lord give you these gifts so that you could spend your life working in the shipyards? Within a few years, almost every other Northern state had followed suit. And in Boston, one of them was coming to understand that God intended he do something about it. She had made up her mind to take up the banner of abolition. I will defend you with my life. Franky Garrison (Jacob Washburn):They said the major and his men, they can't hold out much longer. Victoria Maryak Dilks Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):Your boasted liberty is an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery. Melissa Panos A new world burst upon my agitated vision. That could be accomplished only by amending the Constitution. Lois Brown, Historian:For Garrison, the work of abolition was about trying to make people come to a moment of conscience, and act accordingly. Garrison, Douglass, and every other abolitionist had good reason to wonder whether Lincoln would ever sign the Emancipation Proclamation. Lois Brown, Historian:On the one level, you hate to reduce it to race. This Video Response Worksheet and Key is based on the PBS documentary series "American Experience - The Abolitionists - Episode 1: 1820s-1838.". Can you not see that women could do, and would do, a hundred times more for the slave if she were not shackled? They will fight you tooth and claw. But he understood that his personal testimony could help transform the struggle. Paul Stober Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Museum of London It was the first time he could walk into any public establishment and not have someone kick him out. Garrison himself woke one morning to find a gallows on his front lawn. Narrator:In November of 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president without carrying a single slaveholding state. It's also an example of how the institution of slavery not only degrades slaves, but it degrades the master. Victory meant abolition. John Stauffer, Historian:It was truly a cultural event when he did publish it. Yale University Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Post Production Supervisor Jeff Clanet I never imagined William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff):You have an opportunity to strike a blow for the slaves who continue to suffer as we speak. Newspapers across the South celebrated the assault, but when news of the incident reached John Brown's encampment in Kansas, he and his followers were enraged. News of the guerilla war flaring in Kansas became the talk of the nation. Most important of all, for the first time in his life, Douglass was free. Narrator:American Slavery As It Isbecame the best-selling book in the country. But that was nothing compared with Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):It is never nothing. WGBH Educational Foundation David Kruta, Production Sound Mixers Frederick and Anna clawed their way out of desperate poverty, and built a life for their growing family. / Should earth against my soul engage James Brewer Stewart, Historian:Garrison went to Baltimore and there boarded with free blacks. Narrator:Shields Green and the other captives had already been sentenced to hang. William, she's the daughter of one of the most famous families in South Carolina. He wanted immediate abolition -- the complete eradication of the institution, everywhere and forever. Many wondered whether the Union itself could survive. Neal Huff TheNew York Globeurged that, "No public building, not even the streets, must be desecrated by such a gathering of traitors." He trains them, teaches them, and sends them off to give talks. Dianna Reardon, Key Makeup Frederick Douglass was born in slavery, escaped to, most influential people of his time. Mr. Frederick Douglass. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff):Put on the whole armor of God Narrator:Douglass's new life was fraught with danger. G.R.O.W. He had no job to return to. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):She loved me, but -- she had no choice. Charles Hibbler The best hope for your people is going to be outside of this country.". When Garrison appeared, the freedmen seized him joyfully and carried him on their shoulders around the square. Seth Wood A universal panic seems to be drawing nearer than ever before. And now, a new battleground was opening up, on America's western frontier. PDF Famous Abolitionists Lesson - Social Studies School Service From his jail cell, Brown kept up a stream of correspondence and interviews, which were breathlessly reported throughout the North. Kevin Mulligan Chuck Rayner James Brewer Stewart, Historian:The South Carolina legislature put a bounty on Garrison's head: $15,000 if you deliver his body, I think more if you delivered the whole man alive. Stowe later wrote that there were circumstances of such great bitterness about the manner of his death that she didn't think she could ever be reconciled for it unless his death allowed her to do the some great good to others. The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations Investigators seeking a link to the abolitionists found what they needed in Brown's papers: an innocuous note signed by Frederick Douglass two years earlier, inviting Brown to dinner. Tom Dinardo Narrator:In the fall of 1847, a few weeks after leaving Garrison, Douglass moved to Rochester, New York. Narrator:William Lloyd Garrison had been waging war against slavery for 25 years, but tonight, victory seemed inconceivable. He's up here! The City of New Castle, DE / Let cares, like a wild deluge come Narrator:Garrison lost interest in gradual emancipation. Far from Garrison's Boston headquarters, Douglass was free to explore the political, and even militant, anti-slavery strategies that were circulating in Rochester. "You will receive a PDF file which contains a Video Response Worksheet and Key and a TPT Digital Activity for students (worksheet only).Video Response Worksheets will turn your history lesson into a rich educational, questions are designed so that they occur at a regu, John Brown - Webquest with Key (Google Doc), John Brown - Webquest with Key (Google Doc)This 10 page teaching resource includes a webquest that covers, life of John Brown and his famous actions in relation to slavery in, United States. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):The American Union was effected by a guilty compromise between the free and slave-holding states -- in other words, by incorporating the slave system into the government. What'll you give? Lance Lemon Narrator:By 1835, two years after the formation of the American Anti-Slavery Society, there were over 300 chapters throughout the free states, with tens of thousands of members. You don't do it by playing on the outrage. He sat silently at the back of the room as one speaker after another fired up the congregation with accounts of Lovejoy's death. I urge you. Finally, near midnight, a messenger rushed onto the stage. What if that mob should burst in upon us and commit violence on our persons? The postal campaign became a phenomenon. Boston's black citizens poured into Tremont Temple to listen to speakers and sing hymns. The sudden explosion of black anger, black wrath, is so jarring that the ramifications of the rebellion go far beyond Virginia. ", Narrator:After the massacre, Brown and his followers hid out in the wilderness, resurfacing occasionally to battle pro-slavery forces. Tony Horwitz, Author:He stands up without notes and gives one of the greatest speeches in American history. Northerners began sending clothing and food to the embattled free-soil settlers. "American Experience: The Abolitionists" is a compelling, 3-part series on the rise, fracturing, decline, resurgence and ultimate triumph of the movement to make all Americans free. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):It takes one spark to light a fire. Manisha Sinha, Historian:Douglass recognizes the Republican Party for what it is. Danny Caporaletti Men and women, black and white, Northerners and Southerners, poor and wealthy, these. Manisha Sinha, Historian:The Civil War moved Garrison farther and farther away from that abstract devotion to peace principles and pacifism that he had held through the years. There, Angelina discreetly followed reports of the abolitionist movement. an African American who had escaped from slavery . Narrator:For years, John Brown had been trying to divine God's purpose, to make sense of his afflictions. Robert Paziora They started bombarding it this morning. Narrator:Through it all, Lincoln seemed immovable. In a show of strength, they collected 65,000 signatures, bound the documents together, and rolled them like barrels into the state house. Leiv CleggTeenaged Frederick Douglass It had been four years to the day since federal troops evacuated Sumter. Narrator:In November of 1837, news came that an anti-slavery printer had been murdered by a mob in Illinois. The Abolitionists: AMERICAN EXPERIENCE | PBS LearningMedia I want you for a special purpose. Since then the slave population of the United States had doubled to four million. But, some made it. Fugitives starving, freezing to death, being torn apart by wild animals. He called Douglass a liar, and vowed to track him down and send him to the cotton fields of the Deep South. She was taken away after I was born, to work as a field hand 12 miles away. This is disobedience to proper society, to the South, to the church. Angelina Grimk (Jeanine Serralles):He's my brother! R. Blakeslee Gilpin, Historian:Northerners become convinced that Southerners are hell-bent on moving slavery to every part of the country. We need not point to the sugar fields of Louisiana or to the rice swamps of Alabama for the bloody deeds of this soul-crushing system, but to the city of pilgrims. Lois Brown, Historian:Southerners decide we're being attacked and you need to bring these scoundrels to justice, they must be kidnapped, they must be assassinated -- I mean, it's incredible uproar. In that first year, the financial help of black Bostonians was absolutely critical. Narrator:The one-time radicals were no longer outsiders. Pamela Peitzman Mary Dutton (Virginia Fields):He wants to be noticed! The New Bedford Whaling Museum
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