Penny Parker finally catches a break, even if she doesn't realize it yet. Peter shrugged. ", Tony throws his hands up in mock surrender. Peter still had slices of pizza when the Avengers came over or he was eating with Tony. Peters got a thirst that only Pepper can quench. "I'd probably ask for my wings back, if it weren't for that douchebag placing us under house arrest. The elevator dings, and the silver doors slide open. Alles scheint sich pltzlich zu wenden, doch seine Vergangenheit holt ihn langsam, aber sicher wieder ein und er ist gezwungen sich zu entscheiden. You lied to us, Mr. 2. "Me too Uncle Bucky, me too. He stands out considerably, a teenager in a loose-fitting hoodie and worn jeans next to professional-looking businessmen and businesswomen dressed in suits and the sort. "I apologize if they appear intimidating. Harley took over being Spider-Man as the 'Golden Spider'. "What the hell are you talking about?" :( sorry). AKA Peter gets railed by his friends & teammates and absolutely loves it. "I, umI was gonna use your lab for a little bit to" He trails off. ", May swallows. It's nothing more than that, right? Peter tried to contain his gasp as the blade sliced through his suit into his stomach. Steve to carry peter to med bay. First Chapter - In the chaos of Tony snapping the gauntlet, rushing him to the nearest hospital and the reality of having saved the universe, the Avengers forgot to actually tell Peter that Tony had survived. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Peni Parker (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse), a nameless mobster with an unpleasant fate, Post-Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018), Listen to my Voice (Ignore Everything Else), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, aroacewritingplace - Parkner Halloween Week, Matt Murdock & Peter Parker & Wade Wilson, it's Matt and Wade doesn't like Tony and Peter knows that Tony isn't the best, everything i wrote is more fact that blind anger, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Peter Parker is the heir of Stark Industries. Being a superhero is hard. left kudos on this work! Bucky mimics him. Bucky turned back around. This story will update twice a month, usually. "Morning guys" I tried saying happily, but was accompained with a hiss. The pitying look in May's eyes makes him feel a little sick inside. Something is wrong?" His avoiding eye contact with both Steve and Bucky doesn't go unnoticed by anyone. He has nobody. You don't have to hide the fact that you have a son from us, you know. Peter is settling back into normal life (or normal for Spider-Man anyway) when a new ability reveals itself to him; Spider Pheromones. He is not asking Forbes' Woman of the Year to buy him heat suppressants. So here's the bit of Peter meeting the Avengers! "Yeah, I know." I groaned and decided if to stay in bed or wake up. peter faints | Archive of Our Own Zwischen Tod oder Leben. Of course hes probably just on edge from fighting with and against the literal AVENGERS. **Takes place immediately after A Series of Unfortunate Events (and Some More Fortunate Ones Too), you need to read that one to understand this one. Work Search: I mean, hes a kid. Thank you so much! He navigates keeping his identity a secret while his uncle becomes more withdrawn and his friends start to worry. When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. I almost made it, but Tony grabbed my arm. "How can we trust you're telling the truth?" Jameson style, but then again, Spider-Man always had the best pictures, because Peter Parker gave them in for a bit of extra money.There was some things you learn when youre in Peters line of business, and that is, how to calm down a rape victim, how to help a lost child who doesnt want help, who to punch harder than the rest, who are first time thieves, and that sometimes things like dont pull the knife out is a rule best ignored, (unless it was somewhere bad bad).You know Tonys too far gone from the vigilante line of work, when its Pepper Potts, who tells Tony that a broken nose is the least of Peters worries, even though she too freaks out about it. At SI, Peter Parker bows to no one, especially not to an entitled brat like Flash Thompson or this asshole from the military who came to stir up trouble. Will he finally allow himself to be happy again after all this time? 18 year old Peter Parker is starting a new chapter of his life as a full-time Avengers Recruit and College Student. IM SORRY MARVEL UNIVERSE, I HAVE MISTREATED YOU LIKE I DO WITH EVRY FANDOM EVER. I've only cooked dinner for him twice. Out of the corner of his eye, Wanda nods mutely. Spider-Man is the only piece of my life that ever mattered, because he's the only part that even means anything now. Each Avenger has to test him out before he can join, after all, the best team bonding is the type done while naked. "Um, how was it today? "Oh," the boy breathes, hands raised in a position of surrender. Meanwhile, Steve is once again forced to face the demons of his past, all while searching for a way to get back home. Peter cant shake the feeling that the Avengers are keeping something from him. Thank you so much! "Why don't you fight back?" Peter is settling back into normal life (or normal for Spider-Man anyway) when a new ability reveals itself to him; Spider Pheromones. After alphas Tony and Pepper successfully conceive, they both need an alternative way to let out some energy, since neither is eager to repeat the experience. Peter loves it. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant. What did you think? *This is a mix of MCU and comics material. Code for, I'll find another way to avoid this question later. Peter Parker wanted to live like normal. Peter Parker groaned. "Pete, come to eat" Cap said signalling a bunch of pancakes. Civilians still missed the old Spidey and because of this Harley hates Peter and constantly bullies him. 5 Times The Avengers Scared Peter unluckyolive Summary: .and one time Peter scared the Avengers. Why the hell does he do this every week? Everything I ever did in my life meant nothing, except for Spider-Man. "Ok, but if something is wrong call me" he said. Until it was.____________________. (one of your friends connected with me via email to request it and said you like kissing Peter, sooooo I ran with it), Hell, half of his eighth grade class knew it, after Derek Highlands birthday party, and then the next year, theyd told the rest of the freshman class, and then, well-. Turning back to Peter, he speaks in a soft, fond voice that Steve never realized Tony was capable of. He vanished into thin air, no traces left behind, when he was eight years old. ", "This floor can only be accessed by people with a high-status badge." His only contact--to his knowledge--with SHIELD are the weekly updates Nick Fury asks him to deliver concerning his activities as Spider-Man. They're going to treat their new baby boy right! Peter leans heavily onto her. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). My stomach twisted, when the smell of food invaded me. *Not connected to my other stories, (Stand alone). He looks like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar and Peter isn't gonna let him forget this for as long as they live. It's getting hot in here, so take off your spidey-suit, an avengers Please consider turning it on! Tony slowly stopped wheezing and met the kid's eyes. "Anyways, where's Rhodes and Vision?". Sam asks incredulously. After the whole mess with The Vulture and getting trapped under the collapsed warehouse, he'd decided he never wanted to be in that situation again. MoviesAvengers Follow/FavA Bullying Case By:PercyJacksonAlways It has come to the attention of Midtown's principal that Peter has been caught bullying a fellow classmate. ), 1. Avengers Team/Peter Parker Peter Parker Steve Rogers James "Bucky" Barnes Tony Stark Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Sam Wilson (Marvel) Clint Barton Bruce Banner Thor (Marvel) May Parker (Spider-Man) Thaddeus Ross Pack Dynamics Pack Bonding Pack Family Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Alpha Steve Rogers Omega Bucky Barnes Beta Bruce Banner Beta Clint Barton "Jesus Christ, he's just a kid that's living here for the time being. Static electricity crackled in the dry November air. "My boss needs some of us to go out to Idaho for a month or so ina couple of days. ""No of course not Pete! "This is your room. From inside the car, he can only make out the bottom of the massive 'A' that's plastered against the top of the Tower. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). For fuck's sake, Tony really needs to give her a talk about privacy. When Flash stopped, Peter slowly got up only to be met with three more hard punches to the face and he slumped down the wall. The Avengers are back in the city, the team is getting back together. "I don't like your tone Penis, looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson.". Her expression morphs into teary-eyed pity as if she were looking at a beat-up puppy, while Peter looks confused as to why she's just standing there and staring at him. Sure, the billionaire and philanthropist wasn't exactly his dad. She whips around, an intenseness akin to fury blazing in her brown eyes. Clint's unusually subdued despite the absurdity of the situation, gaze flitting back and forth between Tony and Peter, his eyebrows knitting as he struggles to two and two together. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Tony blinked, glancing between the suspicious looking Avengers and Peter. After the move, he became close with all the Avengers, even the one who lived miles away (T'Challa and Shuri). A cooling wind swept through the patio. He really felt out of place, as the chatter of celebrities reached his ears. What he would say. He is still himself, in the ways that matter. "I came here to tell you to leave me alone." They enter the elevator together, moving aside briefly as a woman leaves it. Tony sits down beside her, keeping a respectful distance from her as he waits patiently for her to calm down. "Try not to be surprised if you get any visitors.". They'll be back in a few days." He receives various noises of agreement, and is about to stand up from his spot on the smaller couch when the elevator dings, causing everyone in the room to freeze. Reaching his floor, he peeks into his bedroom window. "Anywhere's better than there. Well, there's several choices, but she makes the best choice. I want someone who can monitor you while I'm gone.". Or, a fic where Peter get's kidnapped by Hydra and escapes--and how his life continues after. With her trusty A.I. Rather, it is returning home. The One In Which Peter Gets A Group Hug, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Crushed, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Today's not her birthday. "Oh my God, guys, go to your rooms or something." "And I did that because what I don't need right now is multiple reactions like this. But THEN some weird stuff happens and suddenly he's the Avengers' bodyguard. You can be the boss, daddy, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Wanda lingers a moment longer, her eyes still focused on the younger boy. Flash kicked him as he was on the ground. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "I'm glad I was able to help you Pete." Never ending, churning, pattering, falling. "I stopped a mugging today. Aside from Tony, Happy, and the nice lunch lady that stops by often, he doesn't really have anyone else. Peter is trying to keep his Spider-Man job a secret and he needs to get a job. You were supposed to help out and decorate; not adjust Peter's suit. "I thought you didn't take interns. "I'm not, I swear! Peter wonders briefly what they're fore, before they stop in front of one of the doors, with his name in small block letters on the door. You mean the lab that you don't even let the Avengers themselves into?" If you need anything, I'm always listening.". Peter felt off, like something was about to happen. The work I did at SI, the people I interacted with, the life I was living, it's all gone." This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). "What happened?" "For the same reason you won't fight back Flash. How the hell did Beck fool nick fury? This takes place about a year after Endgame (Major spoilers if you haven't seen it). ), (I'm going to be dragged to hell by Satan himself if were being honest.) Flash threw a hard punch to Peter's jaw, making him fall to the ground. Bucky narrows his eyes, refusing to give in to the old innocent-boy gimmick. She stops at the foot of her bed, Tony nearly tripping over his own feet at the sudden pause. Pero an as, despus de conocer a Peter Parker y tenerlo en tu vida, sabas que la ausencia que dejaba ya sea esta corta, se senta como si fueran meses o aos, claro que esto nunca lo dira, no a todo el mundo, quizs a Peter si preguntaba. I swear, I", Choosing his words very carefully, the teen spoke softly, "I know what you saw in the wormhole, Mr. Right now he was the weak Peter Parker, not the genetically enhanced Spiderman. Intolerant Peter Chapter 1: Lactose intolerance in front - FanFiction He raises his hand in a brief wave. Two?" As his son? Tony pops in, startling them. I quickly went to change, but my stomach flipped and I went to the toilet and puked. I'm sure he'll adjust. Bucky nodded. If the needy Peter Parker managed to fight back, that would be too suspicious. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). "Get used to it. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. Steve turns back around to face the other. She sneaks him a small grin. "I get the feeling that as long as we're still under house arrest, it's going to be just as boring as it was in prison.
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