WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Fewer than four in 10 adults in the U.S. (37%) say there is an area within a mile of where they live where they would be afraid to walk alone at night, similar to Americans' attitudes over the last decade and a half. This piece of creative fiction entwined with statistical facts was originally written as a response to one of the themes of the Writing Human Rights module at the University of Warwick. It's always a terrifying time to be a woman when a story comes up in the news reporting another woman has disappeared. The town centre has dissolved into darkness. Whether its a warning of an imminent danger or a signal of an impending attack, carrying a whistle can help save your life. No one else was on the bus. A repeat of that survey now shows that women are more likely to feel unsafe than they were in 2018, particularly when it comes to walking alone at night. Know where your potential dangers are before you go out at night. Some 30 years ago I was walking with my dog one morning in woods near my home, within a few hundred yards of a main road. Coronavirus (COVID-19) risks and restrictions are also likely to have reduced the number of times people left their home in the previous month. You may not hear approaching vehicles or footsteps, so make sure to pay attention to whats going on around you. Your support helps to give children access to the training and equipment they need to ride a bike safely - starting a cycle of good that can go on to benefit their health, education and future. Its a small town theres no trouble here. Is it Safe For a Woman to Walk Alone at Night? It feels later than it is as the winter fog curls around the road signs. The day will get shorter from now until the winter solstice, so you should be extra visible. Advertisement. There are several dangers of walking alone at night. Hide. So, how would you get home? They have written pieces of journalism, short fictional stories, sci-fi, screenplays, comment pieces, podcast episodes and TED talks. This includes challenging our own assumptions, biases and approaches. Always look forward, never look back, and dont carry a mobile with you. What alternative is there? Use a walking stick or flashlight to guide you. In this publication, the term "settings" refers to the three locations, both in the day and after dark. This walk seems much longer at night and I cant listen to music. In fact, nearly six out of ten people in the UK report feeling safe walking alone after dark in their own communities. Furthermore, statistics show that most crime happens at night. Perhaps the terrors who lurk in the dark are scared of the light because it illuminates the lives they ruin. Also contains data on experiences of harassment in the previous 12 months. Its such a frustrating compromise as I end up walking in mud and animal poo., I have friends who carry alarms and pepper spray, it makes me wonder if I should too., Sometimes I feel forced to give up walking and cycling (which I love) in favour of public transport or my car. Her inspiration for this story about anxiety experienced by women in public spaces, came from the media and public response to the murder of Sarah Everard in 2021, and sexual violence stories covered in the news. In June 2021, the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) showed that 42% of adults who reported feeling very or fairly unsafe after dark, and 63% of adults who reported feeling very or fairly unsafe during the day indicated that, as a result, they had stopped doing at least one of the following activities in the previous month: going to streets or areas that they think are unsafe, walking in quiet places such as parks or open spaces, walking in a quiet street close to where they live, going to busy public spaces on their own such as a high street or train station. Would you feel safe to walk alone in the dark? Using it is the most direct route home, but I never do because if I got into trouble, thered be no one to help me., I dont listen to music in headphones for fear of someone sneaking up on me., Id love to say I never let feeling vulnerable change my plans, but it totally does. Looking lost might equal me looking vulnerable., Lights generally help me to feel safer but in very isolated areas I sometimes feel Id rather walk in the dark to not draw attention to myself. Its a cycle of misogyny, veiled through jokes. Sometimes frightened, but always wary and alert. The fog is settling, dampening the world and illuminating my torchlight like a movie scene. Two options: make the short walk home or order the Uber now. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. They were waiting at the roundabout. It is harder to see uneven sidewalks, roots, rocks, potholes, and trash when it's dark. Some 49% of women and one in five men (19%) felt unsafe walking alone after nightfall in a busy public place, such as a high street or railway station, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Around a third (32 per cent) of women and 19 per cent of men reported they had experienced at least one form of harassment in the past 12 months. Carry some legal defense if necessary. Even when the streets near their homes are well lit, it is important to keep a watchful eye on your surroundings. . It seems quieter than usual. And the same proportion of women and 15% of men did not feel safe walking alone after dark on a quiet street near their home, according to . Just the driver. People will leave their homes, rushing to see family, finish last minute shopping, or saying goodbyes on their last day of work. These were: being insulted or shouted at by a stranger in public, experienced catcalls, whistles, unwanted sexual comments or jokes from a stranger in public, felt physically threatened by a stranger in a public space. 8 Tips On How Do You Use a Neck Hammock on Your Neck ? Do you ever change your plans or behaviour in response to your environment? Runners and cyclists should wear reflectors on their clothes to be seen by oncoming motorists. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, /peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/bulletins/perceptionsofpersonalsafetyandexperiencesofharassmentgreatbritain/2to27june2021, Perceptions of personal safety and experiences of harassment data, Perceptions of personal safety and experiences of harassment, Great Britain, Crime in England and Wales: year ending March 2021, Sexual offences in England and Wales overview: year ending March 2020. Im ready to press green. And 5 in 6 women who are raped dont report.. Why? No, it is slowing down. While some people may consider this as paranoiac, the fact that someone is aware of your whereabouts can make you feel safer. Twenty minutes and Ill be home. Im not changing my life to appease my anxieties. The survey also suggests that women should not walk alone after dark if theyre not wearing any protective gear. Students have free rein to choose the topic and style of their stories. One in two women and one in five men felt unsafe walking alone after dark in a busy public place. Crime Survey for England and Wales estimates of the percentage of adults aged 16 and over who feel safe walking alone after dark and being home alone after dark. A 27-year-old woman was assaulted as she was vomiting. I have my pass with me. The bus! Graduate on Industrial Management Engineering, IME BscMechanical at De La Salle University, Daily Posture Exercises Video: A Comprehensive Guide to Good Posture. Im so lucky. Im overreacting. Data are for the year ending March 2016 and are broken down by age and sex. Nearly half of all women in the UK (41%) say they take steps on a regular basis to protect themselves from sexual assault. We explored how those feelings are influenced by personal experience of harassment and if they affected behaviours. The 6,000 allegations include, , 280 attempted rapes and 1,560 instances of unwanted intimate touching. Sustrans is committed to fundraising in a way which is legal, open, honest and respectful. This is a worrying statistic for women who might have a child or are otherwise not accustomed to walking alone after dark. This short story combined with statistical data about sexual assault and violence against women, describes the anxiety of navigating public spaces while trying to stay safe. Away from the bar, I stand out in a short skirt, strappy top and denim jacket. You must also be more aware of your surroundings. Related Statistic Brain Research. Mary Collingridges story is a response to the #MeToo section of the module. The figures are alarming, especially when you consider that many crimes are committed by strangers. Youll be less likely to be a victim of a crime. If not, youre not alone, even if you feel it. In addition to this, the statistics reveal that young people feel most unsafe walking home on their own after dark in quiet streets near their homes. I was once followed by a car that drove slowly alongside me until I stepped inside a local shop which thankfully was open late. I knew it would be okay. Registered charity in England and Wales (no. If youre worried about being alone at night, here are some tips to keep you safe. Scan the ground 10-15 feet ahead to see upcoming hazards. Q3. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. I watch the bus engine restart and steadily trail down the road. You should also invest in wireless home security, which will deter even the most persistent criminals. And these jokes lead to some individuals utilising these attitudes for their own gratification. You should stay alert to the sounds and movements around you. Walk on a flat surface. One in two women and one in five men felt unsafe walking alone after dark in a busy public place. Hopefully, these tips will save you from an unfortunate incident. Its also important to keep moving forward and avoid making unnecessary stops. 140 in exchange for being too scared to. If youre going for a walk alone, its crucial that you stay alert and avoid distractions like a cell phone, iPod, or music. I have a good week ahead drinks, food, family, friends. Things can happen.". Hello, I'm driving, loading and unloading products for a living and constantly on the road. Two out of three women aged 16 to 34 years experienced one form of harassment in the previous 12 months; with 44% of women aged 16 to 34 years having experienced catcalls, whistles, unwanted sexual comments or jokes, and 29% having felt like they were being followed. See the 2021 results here and the 2018 results here. Actions they took including stopping leaving home alone, walking in quiet places, and going to streets or areas they think are risky. These three statements were made by police officers in Canada, Egypt and US. After a day and night surrounded by people and noise, my ears are now muffled. The girls and their parents trusted they could travel home safely, without being traumatized. Statistic Sources & References. How to Stay Safe at Night When Walking Alone. It was 4am. A whistle can be used in a variety of situations. "Be safe . I text someone too, to let them know when I set off and when I get home., I try to avoid walking alone in the dark, which is a real shame because I enjoy seeing the city lights. It was your own fault you didnt think it through. Maybe some snacks. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. People felt less safe when walking alone after dark than during the day in a quiet street close to home; a busy public space; and a park or open space. Hikers should always carry a whistle because an emergency can happen at any time. Also, avoid walking alone and walk with your headlights on unless youre sure that you can see your path clearly. They have written pieces of journalism, short fictional stories, sci-fi, screenplays, comment pieces, podcast episodes and TED talks. We hear endless tips on how to stay safe after dark and we celebrate new streetlights. For us to really feel safer, society needs to address why too many people feel that violence against women and physically vulnerable people is acceptable. When looking at sex and age together, women aged 16 to 34 years and 75 years and over felt less safe, in most settings than females in other age groups. Despite popular belief, bright colors have a lower effect on nighttime visibility. Police are examining CCTV footage and carrying out enquiries. Nick Stripe, head of the ONS crime statistics branch, said: This is the first time the ONS has asked people about feelings of personal safety when walking alone in different public settings. Mary Collingridges story is a response to the #MeToo section of the module. Across OECD countries, the homicide rate has fallen by one-third since 2010, to just over 2 per 100 000 people. It's a heavy burden to fear rape and murder on a regular basis., I tend to feel a bit safer because cycling is faster, so Im home in less time., I dont often cycle after dark but in an empty street it would be my preference to give me the best chance of escaping danger quickly., I feel a bit safer cycling than walking as I think Im less of an obvious target for attack since my bike would be something extra for an attacker to dispose of. To do this, we must ensure that we make public spaces safer and more accessible for everyone. If youre running at dusk or before dawn. Theres no sign it was open except a polystyrene carton discarded on the ground. Would you feel safe to walk alone in the dark? And 5 in 6 women who are raped dont report.. Why? Today, we will be discussing back posture exercises on Youtube. I cant breathe. Disabled people felt less safe walking alone in all settings than non-disabled people. Womens inequality is impacting their rights and freedom to be safe from threats of violence. Thousands of stars, so high and bright the fog doesnt obscure them. I need to run the final few steps. Dont cross the street unless there is a designated crosswalk. Beware of tripping hazards. We must break down stereotypes and make it safer for more women to walk and cycle, Cities that are designed for women are designed for everyone, Celebrating the diversity of minds at Sustrans, Our streets don't work for disabled women why equity is the way forward. Gulam Mayat. In one year, there were more than 400 reports of criminal offences by taxi, or private hire drivers in London alone, with 126 accused of violent or sexual offences, Only one in six sexual assaults is reported. Be aware of your surroundings. You can also carry a cell phone with you. This is the first time the ONS has asked people about feelings of personal safety when walking alone in different public settings. Im excited for a hot chocolate. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), around 49 per cent of women reported feeling unsafe walking alone after nightfall in a busy public place, such as a high street or railway station. Maybe Ill boil the kettle for a hot water bottle too. ( Depends ), The Dangers of Walking Home Alone at Night. To work from a data set which has over 15,000 white respondents but fewer than 1,000 Black and minoritised respondents shows a significant data gap when it comes to the lived experiences of Black and minoritised women. She was at her most vulnerable, trying to get home, yet someone took advantage. lisa thibault florida, how many states have the windfall elimination provision,
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