Use the formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen to explain the following terms: chemical reaction, reactant, product. Ineffective airway clearance related to dry, hacking cough. Bend knees Be alert to important functioning equipment. full tissue destruction medications absorbed more slowly this route than IM In the lateral position, the patient lies on his side. C. Hyperactive sounds indicate increased bowel motility; two or three sounds per minute indicate decreased bowel motility. It involves professional misconduct, such as omission or commission of an act that a reasonable and prudent nurse would or would not do. You build on each experience by pulling . Because transplants are done within hours of death, decisions about organ donation must be made as soon as possible. - info medical personnel can look at rotate sites Other symptoms include diminished memory, apathy, disinterest in appearance, withdrawal, and irritability. Question Text Chest wall movement In this example, the standard of care was breached; a 3-month-old infant should never be left unattended on a scale. Fluids containing caffeine have a diuretic effect. date, time, and initial paper Which of the following patients is at greatest risk for developing pressure ulcers? Nursing diagnosis use biohazard sharps disposal containers- immediately Which of the following nursing interventions promotes patient safety? Be vigilant Which of the following is the most significant symptom of his disorder? Explain in detailed medical terms Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Exam 2 (PM) The pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings in this case, 54. Strict aseptic technique Discourage them from making a decision until their grief has eased Time allowed potential for injury of axillary, radial, brachial, and ulnar nerves and brachial artery - Pulmonary edema ( no gas exchange with the lungs) Pull out clear insulin - It is thought that bipap is easier on the patient, but it is noisier. If you're administering more than one medication into the NG tube, what do you do? Person, environment, health, nursing High-pitched gurgles head over the right lower quadrant are: 19. research shows the least injury from injections here The nurse could be charged with: Monitor the patient A. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gerhigs disease) Follow the medication administration rights Non-rebreather Mask prevention- Hep B vaccine, cylindrical barrel - Smoking Please wait while the activity loads. AMashed potatoes and broiled chickenBChicken bouillon CA ham and Swiss cheese sandwich on whole wheat breadDA tossed salad with oil and vinegar and olivesQuestion 28 Explanation: Mashed potatoes and broiled chicken are low in natural sodium chloride. All of these positions are appropriate for a rectal examination. Battery Good luck! The family of an accident victim who has been declared brain-dead seems amenable to organ donation. 16. - Osteoporosis However, the presence or absence of the pedal pulse should be documented upon admission so that changes can be identified during the hospital stay. High- humidity air and chest physiotherapy help liquefy and mobilize secretions. rotate sites. - Fragrance free zones, Medications Question 33Which of the following patients is at greatest risk for developing pressure ulcers?AAn 88-year old incontinent patient with gastric cancer who is confined to his bed at homeBAn alert, chronic arthritic patient treated with steroids and aspirinCAn apathetic 63-year old COPD patient receiving nasal oxygen via cannulaDA confused 78-year old patient with congestive heart failure (CHF) who requires assistance to get out of bed. intravenous (IV), first time administration Illness Question 46Which of the following principles of primary nursing has proven the most satisfying to the patient and nurse?AContinuity of patient care promotes efficient, cost-effective nursing careBAutonomy and authority for planning are best delegated to a nurse who knows the patient wellCThe holistic approach provides for a therapeutic relationship, continuity, and efficient nursing care. Abdominal girth is unrelated to blood loss. Administer medications following the rights Rate The nurse observes that Mr. Adams begins to have increased difficulty breathing. administer pain meds 30-40 minutes before scheduled dressing change Hypothermia is an abnormally low body temperature. List factors required for informed consent. His oral temperature at 8 a.m. is 99.8 F (37.7 C) This temperature reading probably indicates: A slightly elevated temperature in the immediate preoperative or post operative period may result from the lack of fluids before surgery rather than from infection. Slander Notifying the coroner or medical examiner Fundamentals Of Nursing Exam #1 - Legal Aspects In Nursing - Pursed lip breathing to slow down breathing rate Patient releases the restraint and falls and injures him/herself, Smoke detectors - Rates if 8-15 liters - amputations - Age-related changes: thickening of ventricular walls, reduction of cilia (the ability to capture things that can cause an infection) Consequently, the nurse must observe for objective signs. Question 15A patient is admitted to the hospital with complaints of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe abdominal pain. 33. Which of the following is an example of nursing malpractice? You have completed B. The patient inserts the suppository 10 cm (4 inches) into the vaginal canal. - lying on side with proper spine alignment In the lateral position, the patient lies on his side. The resting pulse rate in an adult ranges from 60 to 100 beats/minute, so a rate of 88 is normal. Which of the following is the most significant symptom of his disorder? High-pitched gurgles head over the right lower quadrant are: Nurses feel personal satisfaction, much of it related to positive feedback from the patients. NEVER recap needle All of the identified nursing responsibilities are pertinent when a patient is receiving heparin. (claudication = limping, relieved by a short period of rest). A sign of decreased bowel motility In the horizontal recumbent position, the patient lies on his back with legs extended and hips rotated outward. Immobility, diaphoresis, and avoidance of deep breathing or coughing, Decreased blood pressure and heart rate and shallow respirations. Your hair is really pretty offers no consolation or alternatives to the patient. Which of the following nursing interventions promotes patient safety? capsule The physician orders a platelet count to be performed on Mrs. Smith after breakfast. Put air into the cloudy vial first Depression typically begins before the onset of old age and usually is caused by psychosocial, genetic, or biochemical factors. To assess for GI tract bleeding when frank blood is absent, the nurse has two options: She can test for occult blood in vomitus, if present, or in stool through guaiac (Hemoccult) test. Ensure that client has taken medications before leaving the room - Normally for sleep apnea. Correct 2. Giving the patient breakfast However, the familys concerns must be addressed before members are asked to sign a consent form. Clear knowledge Start A new head nurse on a unit is distressed about the poor staffing on the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. What are the 5 steps in the nursing process? Multiple sclerosis, a progressive, degenerative disease involving demyelination of the nerve fibers, usually begins in young adulthood and is marked by periods of remission and exacerbation. - Airway patency (stridor), Diagnostic Test that may indicate poor oxygenation, ECG - what is heart doing? Exam 1 Fundamentals Of Nursing Flashcards Quizlet. questions Infants and children Fundamentals of Nursing Ch. 1,2, and 3 Flashcards _ Quizlet.pdf The supine position (also called the dorsal position), in which the patient lies on his back with his face upward, allows for easy access to the abdomen. A complete blood count does not provide immediate results and does not always immediately reflect blood loss. Exam Mode Questions and choices are randomly arranged, time limit of 1min per question, answers and grade will be revealed after finishing the exam. The physician orders the administration of high-humidity oxygen by face mask and placement of the patient in a high Fowlers position. What is a nurses responsibility concerning Nutrition? 35. Asses the patients ability to ambulate and transfer from a bed to a chair 11. Question 42The nurse observes that Mr. Adams begins to have increased difficulty breathing. Changes in vital signs may be cause by factors other than blood loss. STAT - give immediately DANB RSH Domain II: Quality Assurance and Rad. Once you are finished, click the button below. Tachypnea is rapid respiration characterized by quick, shallow breaths. What is the name of the compound with the formula BaCl2_22? Shaded items are complete. D. Assisting a patient with ambulation and transfer from a bed to a chair allows the nurse to evaluate the patients ability to carry out these functions safely. Management: maintain clean and moist wound environment and minimize damage to healing tissue, removed drainage from the wound with slight vacuum Quad The patient uses her dominant hand to insert the suppository along the posterior wall of the vaginal canal. Practice Mode Question 2Mrs. Thick, tenacious secretions, a dry, hacking cough, orthopnea, and shortness of breath are signs of ineffective airway clearance. 25. Return Avoid the big thump What are they? Nausea A registered nurse reaches to answer the telephone on a busy pediatric unit, momentarily turning away from a 3 month-old infant she has been weighing. Don't press directly on eyeball Pantothenic acid Bed rest and oxygen by Venturi mask at 24% would improve oxygenation of the tissues and cells but must be ordered by a physician. read back the telephone order to the prescriber. 246 Sitting chemical name - compound that makes up the drug Which of the following patients is at greatest risk for developing pressure ulcers? At a higher dose, it raises blood pressure at the expense of the kidneys, Oral - by mouth Assessment for distention, tenderness, and discoloration around the umbilicus. What should the nurse do? Seizures, Procedure Related Risks in the Health Care Agency, Equipment Related Risks in the Health Care Agency, The nursing process in regards to Safety Awareness, Assessment 6. Intraperiteneal All of the above - don't twist Question 11Which of the following nursing interventions promotes patient safety?A All of the above - Wheezing EX: Sometimes post surgery a patient can be put on a insulin drip as a therapy to control the cortisol release from the stress-response syndrome as surgery, anesthesia, and issues that brought patient to hospital can cause a great deal of stress. Fundamentals of Nursing Practice Exam 2 (EM) Which of the following nursing interventions would be appropriate? The nurse manager and the bedside nurses must collaborate on i. Question 18During a Romberg test, the nurse asks the patient to assume which position? After assessing Mrs. Paul, the nurse writes the following nursing diagnosis: Impaired gas exchange related to increased secretions. Which of the following principles of primary nursing has proven the most satisfying to the patient and nurse? Infancy C. An Asian patient is likely to hide his pain. Infection EXPOSED BONE, TENDON, OR MUSCLE Attempted Questions Correct Capsules Chicken bouillon Battery is the unlawful touching of another person or the carrying out of threatened physical harm. Diabetes Nclex Questions And Rationale Rnspeak. death of subcutaneous fat tissue and muscle degeneration Blood flow from the area of absorption (poor blood flow leads to decreased effectiveness) Advantages of insulin pen: The correct sequence for assessing the abdomen is: Assessment for distention, tenderness, and discoloration around the umbilicus. 2. Listen to their concerns and answer their questions honestly Maintain balance, posture, and body alignment Teach patient and family about drug reactions and schedule Date collect blood in test strip -Contact the pharmacy to have the medication sent to the nursing unit STAT. Your score is You have completed Reported to provider at time of test Tachypnea is rapid respiration characterized by quick, shallow breaths. Administering an incorrect medication is a nursing error; however, if such action resulted in a serious illness or chronic problem, the nurse could be sued for malpractice. - Seizures These include: 35. red- pink wound bed Thus, a respiratory rate of 30 would be abnormal. The most common psychogenic disorder among elderly person is: 46. gently apply antiseptic pad or dry sterile gauze pad to site In this case, the supervisor is the resource person to approach. The nurse notes that he is steady on his feet and that his vision was unaffected by the surgery. Insert needle at 90 angle Age is also a factor. Regulates movement and posture, proprioception and balance with the precentral gyrus (motor strip) in the cerebral cortex. Tympanic percussion, measurement of abdominal girth, and inspection. B. 17. 1. Answer Choice(s) Selected To reduce the risk of polypharmacy, how should the nurse advise the older patient regarding medications? Which of the following nursing interventions has the greatest potential for improving this situation? Which of the following signs and symptoms would the nurse expect to find when assessing an Asian patient for postoperative pain following abdominal surgery? Risk for activity intolerance Impaired skin integrity Question 13The family of an accident victim who has been declared brain-dead seems amenable to organ donation. Administer oxygen by Venturi mask at 24%, as needed Less than 2 mL total volume A. Question 16If patient asks the nurse her opinion about a particular physicians and the nurse replies that the physician is incompetent, the nurse could be held liable for:ASlanderBLibelCAssaultDRespondent superior Question 16 Explanation: Oral communication that injures an individuals reputation is considered slander. Consequently, the nurse must observe for objective signs. If you withhold a medication what do you do? Assisting a patient out of bed with the bed locked in position is the correct nursing practice; therefore, the fracture was not the result of malpractice. An appropriate nursing diagnosis would be: Ineffective airway clearance related to thick, tenacious secretions. Question 47Studies have shown that about 40% of patients fall out of bed despite the use of side rails; this has led to which of the following conclusions?ASide rails are a reminder to a patient not to get out of bed BSide rails are a deterrent that prevent a patient from falling out of bed.CSide rails should not be usedDSide rails are ineffectiveQuestion 47 Explanation: Since about 40% of patients fall out of bed despite the use of side rails, side rails cannot be said to prevent falls; however, they do serve as a reminder that the patient should not get out of bed.
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