All of the South, save Dorne, stood behind the Targaryen banner, and they came to bring fire and blood as never before. Stick them with the pointy end. She could feel the long, slow, scratches of madness against her mind. Prince Jacaerys himself rode off on his dragon Vermax to rescue his brother, and led the Velaryon fleet against the enemy. One of the men who came out of the dungeons is suffering stomach pain. To put it mildly. But then, as they came to bear down upon the Spartans center, they saw that the musketeers had fixed long blades upon the ends of their thunder weapons, which, combined with their tight formation into squares, negated any and all advantages the riverlords cavalry possessed. Seeing the Spartan destroy all but one of Rhaenyras dragons, which the Shepherd had convinced the people were monstrous demons, the smallfolk rioted in the streets and chanted the Spartans name. A shame that he doesn't remember how to make gunpowder, but that's probably for the best. When word had spread to Riverrun of the Spartans intervention off the coast of Dragonstone, Elmo had assumed the Spartan had declared for the blacks, and therefore marched with confidence to meet the greens host. Are you good with that sword? asked Dany, gesturing to the thin blade at Aryas belt. What will he do to not only survive but thrive in a brutal realm like . While Rodrik and Aegon won many victories against Maegors forces at first, their allied forces became weaker and weaker with each engagement, until Maegor ultimately defeated them at the Battle of Darry, where Quicksilver was slain with wildfire, killing Aegon with him. The Spartan gave a single warning to Lord Dalton, ordering him to turn his fleet back to the Iron Isles and cease his attacks on the coast. Then added, Thank you. She turned and walked back down the staircase of the inner wall. King Cregan Stark would rule many long years in the North, and would aid House Targaryen in binding up the wounds inflicted upon the realm during the Dance of Dragons. On the eve of Lysa's giving birth to the next Lord Arryn, Jon Arryn awakes to discover that he's not just Jon Arryn anymore, but instead has had his mind merged with, Seven help him, an ASOIAF geek. Archived post. Ser Ulys White and Ser Hugh Hammer, the traitorous dragonseeds whom had turned their allegiance and saw to the citys fall to the greens, both refused and instead mounted their dragons to challenge the Spartan. I cant, she said. It streamed crimson red. They had just returned from hunting in the wolfswood and they were sluggish and sleepy after their meal. Can I have ALL the Male Self Inserts? When the Andals came, King Theon the Liberator rallied the North behind the Spartan, and marched south of the Neck to aid their First Men brethren in the south. Its too great a gift.. You know what was done to him, what was done to all the prisoners here. But of all of Rickon and Rhaenas children, it would be their second childand eldest daughterthat would by far have the most intriguing of lives. E se [ASOIAF/SI AU] Os Negros, os Verdes e os Vermelhos Game of Thrones Before their duel could begin, however, three of the five dragons in Kings Landing were suddenly unleashed, led by Rhaenyra and her husband Daemon, and began incinerating Coles army. We wanted to give the soldiers some time to rest, but we need to get to the Wall.. The ensuing pregnancy, and birth, of Harian Baratheon, will forever change the history of Westeros.In another reality, Harry James Potter takes matters into his own hands. Heres hoping that if that does come around, it wont go as badly as in the original timeline for everyone involved, except the Dornish, because fuck those guys, specifically the lords responsible. Well, that's certainly an interesting start. Wildly he swung his sword in the air even as he fell, attempting to land a killing blow on the Spartan, but it was for naught, as even Blackfyre in the hands of Maegor had failed to breech the Spartans armor. Pardon, she muttered, barely loud enough for him to hear it as she moved to go around him. The next day, the great battle to decide the fate of Westeros commenced. I was sipping a cup of hot chocolate planning out some Christmas presents and some pranks for my friends. Once the situation is realized, he's left scrambling to plan his long term survival. A man from modern day America wakes up to find himself in Westeros, years before the show's start. I dont even know how to hold one., Jon gave me my first lesson. U could have waited a few more years for the death to happen . I remember this The Black Dragon - a Daemon I Blackfyre SI, The Savior of Ice and Fire (Rhaegar Wins AU), A Princess of Thunder in Westeros (AOIAF Crossover). Charging forward with the swiftness of the north wind and the force of a thunderous storm, he charged forward to rescue Princess Cortana. Towns which, over the centuries, only grew in number and size, some eventually becoming large enough to be called cities in their own right. The Spartan would return Princess Cortana to Winterfell, where he was once more received as a hero. The comparisons between Ned and his daughter seemed to stop at appearance. How could she behow could this happen? It would avail him nothing but the death of many riverlords. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. When he thinks it's all a dream, Bloodraven gets squished. He was the doctor of the Dreadforta maester, they called them in Westerosa man of knowledge and healing. It was no surprise that afterwards they, as well as Naerys son, future King Daeron II, shared a great rapport between all five of them. For the second time, he entered the Forward Unto Dawn, and news quickly spread that the Warrior Made Flesh and the Maiden of Light had emerged from their slumber, and coming out the Dawntowns great ironwood gates, led at their head by the Spartan himself, was an army unlike any Westeros had ever seen. You must log in or register to reply here. He Who Mounts The World. A volley of flaming arrows streaked through the air. As Elmo was a supporter of Rhaenyra, it astounded and confused the greens as to why the Spartan would thwart an army loyal to the blacks. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Regardless, the Spartan would return with her to Winterfell, where he was received as a guest of the utmost honor. When Maegor challenged any who opposed his rule to fight him, Jon immediately answered, challenging Maegor to a Trial of Seven, and was joined by Ser Damon Morrigen as well as five champions of the Faith to battle Maegor and six of his Kingsguard. A life lived twice, for better or for worse, it matters not, for the price of cheating death is always a high price to pay. Why does your sister not have one? asked Dany. The latter is the answer, oh most definitely the latter. He was going to let everything pass him by and live in peace. I chose to add my story here because of amazing fics I've come to cherish, like Dread Our Wrath and Deeds, not Words. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). He shouted for his men to slay the Spartan, but none who remained dared approach, and indeed many fled screaming for their lives, so struck with terror at the Spartans massacring of their comrades. And for the first time in the Norths history, the Master Chief had not come out of necessity to end some war or deliver the people from some dire peril, and now walked among the people in peace longer than he had even been recorded to do. Slowly and steadily the memories of my life, or should I AN: A combination of HOTD canon and F&B canon. Publicly, Cregan never endorsed the Spartans actions, indeed decrying it as an unlawful and unauthorized move on the Spartans part, though many believe he may have had a hand in the events, as he made no move to stop the Spartan, nor punished the men who had followed him into war. He is Drogo, and he is the man that will win you back your throne.. Not only as a warrior, but also when some of the wildfire buried under King's Landing explodes, causing a large fire. Many Years Ago -The Griffin Lord the fanfic can also be found on Spacebattles, Gaemon the Dragon-Steel's Guide to Not Dying Horribly. Rhaenyra reportedly trembled with rage at the Spartans rebuttal at her offer, and at the perceived insult of her warmongering. The Extraordinary Life of The shots fired so quickly that Aemon had no time to try and shield his brother, and before the entire court and the onlooking smallfolk, the king was riddled with an entire volley of the Spartans lightening-quick missiles, ripping through him with ease. The Faith had viewed Aegons marriage to his sister-wives as a blasphemy only begrudgingly tolerated due to the sheer might Aegon wielded, and therefore considered his issue by them, the future kings Aenys I and Maegor I, as less legitimate to the throne as Aegons issue by Queen Wylanna; despite the fact she herself was detested by them due to her staunch faith in the Old Gods of the North, which she had passed on to her children. Her ambitions of becoming a writer, the modern world where everyone had rights and there was equality. Death was a relief, if Im being honest. Sycorax took flight then, moving away toward the south to hunt. Well, not aaaall of them. You are using an out of date browser. Wouldnt hurt to make friends. Unfortunately, Aenys, while gentle in rule and a patron of the arts, proved to be a less than able ruler, indecisive and hesitant for fear of offending. (No OC's). Nevertheless, he could not deny his beloved daughter, and so bade her enter the hallowed halls of the Forward Unto Dawn. Welcome to the first installment of my first story. The riverlords outnumbered the Spartans smaller army by nearly one-and-half, and whereas Elmo commanded a cavalry force of over a hundred knights and four-hundred mounted men-at-arms, the Spartan had no cavalry whatsoever. In an event which seemed all too convenient for Aegons interests to be considered coincidence, the Alchemists Guild reported that a grave error had been made. They had narrowly escaped the Faith Militant's revolt in King's Landing, and were relieved to have found a safe haven. So in these last days before the Stranger takes me too I will attempt to give an account of my life, the events that shaped me and my rule. When he thinks it's all a dream, Bloodraven gets squished. The thrice-wedded, never-bedded Margaery Tyrell, in canon, was a queen slain long before her time, despite her careful politicking. All that was known was that the Spartan had returned to Winterfell the very night Queen Rhaena gave birth. Can I have ALL the Male Self Inserts? (No OC's) : r/FanFiction - Reddit 283 AC, Second Moon What would you do? Indeed, it is likely only the Spartans presence at her side that deterred the king from attempting to seduce her. Areli Lannister. It rocks your prison of interminable years, rocks the floor of the temple where the idols of stolen gods languish alongside you, rocks the footing of the silver-haired priests who give mocking libations to these lesser, collared deities. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. -A Collection of One-Shots by Avalor0n. Following the death of Maegor, the Spartan made his way south, where he was justly received as a liberating hero by the whole of the realm for ending the terrible rule of the Tyrant Dragon. I'm not going to show it or write about it - violence, injuries and the sort will be the only NSFW content here. Dany leaned on one of the crenels in the battlements, looking down over Winterfell. It was during a small skirmish with a band of robber knights that your story begun. The Seven-As-One. Ghost was a little hard to see against the snow, but Nymeria stood out with her darker grey fur. This is Valyrians in Planetos, so there's going to be incest. Earlier that very morning, however, he had received a raven from Kings Landing in which King Aegon asked for his support in securing the peace for all Westeros. To the shock of all, Aegon and Belarion both survived the fall. For though the Targaryens counted in all seventeen dragonsthe highest number they would ever reachthe memory of the Spartan slaying two of the mightiest of all their mounts, Vhaegar and Balerion the Black Dread themselves; and of the humiliating and decisive defeats he rendered unto both Aegon the Conqueror and to his son, Maegor the Cruel, had haunted the Targaryens to that day. My skin was itchy and slick with sweat, drenching the unfamiliar bedding and itchy covers. Hed known Lord Eddard Stark for over a decade and had probably shared fewer words with him than he had in the past thirty seconds with his daughter. However, most of its strange machines had long since fallen silent, and the Northerners so revered it that they refused to disturb the great structure of steel save to preserve it from the ravages of timeindeed, to attempt to enter it without the consent of the King in the North is a crime punishable by beheading even today. A loose study on GRRM's style. Follow/Fav Daeron the Worthy(Jon Snow SI) By: Dragonspectre01. Thus, he sent his sister-wife Visenya, astride the mighty Vhaegar, to treat with the King in the North, stating he would render him the same lesson he did to the Kings of the Rock and Reach at the Field of Fire unless he bent his knee and swore fealty to Aegon. He is laughing uncontrollably.". Every soldier you lose is one that they gain, so youll want to lower the risk to your men whenever you can. Tyrion and Jaime told me about it. Followed. So how would the story go! Much more of the city was comprised of stone buildings as well, and in no time at all, Kings Landing had become the crown jewel of the South, truly a capitol worthy of a great dynasty. On his mothers behalf, he offered the Master Chief lavish sums of gold, the hand of a future Targaryen princess, and even to nominate him to the station of Protector of the Realm if he would aid her cause, citing she only wished to restore peace to the realm. He bowed as she entered his apothecary. And with the Spartan aiding them, and with him the promise of newer innovations and technologies to further advance civilization, a new day was seemingly on the horizon. The Dornish Master Plan is poised to fail in the books. and when Robert asks about the false Aegon. Whatever Rhaenyra planned next is unknown, as an uprising in Kings Landing erupted, led by a man only remembered as the Shepherd. It was an oddity as to why the princess possessed such eyes, when neither the Starks nor Targaryens were known to carry them, but by the very word of her parents, when the Spartan had helped deliver her into the world, he had lain a blessing upon the child with his otherworldly healing, which her eyes otherworldly beauty was a consequence of. In a black rage, Aemond mounted his dragon, known to history only as Cannibal, and rain fire and death down onto the countryside. InfinityMask: Arya will be a cool ninja assassin. But what followed was not the final triumph of the Tyrant King over the champion of the North. An SI becomes a prostitute in A Song of Ice and Fire. Taken to his bedchambers and locked inside, it is widely believed Aegon attempted to seduce, or possibly even rape herbut the guards outside burst in when they heard King Aegons screaming. Cersei, who actually begins to enjoy some of Robert's ideas - she is in charge of the construction of Westeros' first balloon, for example. It is well known by this time that PROLOGUE Dany climbed up to the top of the inner wall, where Sycorax was laying on the rampart, looking out at the surrounding land. This, too, failed, as the Spartan leaped into the air so high that he was at her side within the blink of an eye. As soon as his foot were within range, the Spartan unleashed his cannons, blasting into the riverlords ranks with explosive missiles and tearing apart their vanguard with seven devastating volleys. The Spartan only returned to the capitol after he had seen to the pacification of any and all black forces remaining in the Reach, but when he returned, he found the long-missing King Aegon II camped outside the city walls. I think its only fitting that one should be returned to your family. What words passed between them afterwards is entirely unknown, but some witnesses claim that the Spartan seemed somehow smaller when he departed that next morning, and when the royal family had come to see him off, he lingered to look down at the newborn girl, before he whispered some mystery to the sleeping baby, and then slowlyalmost reluctantly, some would claimhe departed in silence, returning at once to his slumber within the Dawn. The only thing worse than this fic existing is that it is the longest Game of Thrones fic on The Stranger
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