I used to go for maneuver, then noticed that it is actually a steaming pile of NATURAL FERTILIZER (Du Galle can be replaced by guy who costs 150 PP, who needs more trucks anyway?). The most straightforward approach would be to first neutralize Italy by launching naval invasions to encircle and destroy their troops before marching on Rome. hoi4 france indivisible or encourage immigrationdua fr verstorbene nichtmuslime. I've tried the French Union path and it failed horribly despite my 100% compliance which I thought would have been good enough to win the colonies over. French focus tree | Paradox Interactive Forums Couldn't even manage to make a dent. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. French Union is useless. If played correctly, the Second World War (and any other conflicts before 1948) could very well see France reborn and reshaped and emerge from the crucible of war as the far bigger and stronger European Union. Valve Corporation. To the south lies the Pyrenees mountains which separate France from Spain. Major reforms are needed to make our economy more competitive in the global scale. Note that once you go to war with Germany, you'll have to recall those volunteers, so after the Carlists Spawn, delete your existing tank volunteers and immediately send some new ones to Carlist Spain (at the start of the game, France starts with 6 tank Divisions - convert all of these to the template with motorized, and you'll have several good divisions on your hands), and use them to clean up as much of the other factions as possible before going to war with the nations required for the EU. France is quite possibly the best candidate to form the European Union as if staying democratic, it can expect to end up in a defensive war against both Germany and Italy, allowing both countries to be annexed in a single peace treaty. Albania Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Denmark Estonia Finland France Free France Vichy France German Reich Kingdom of Greece Kingdom of Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Nationalist Spain Republican Spain Romania Slovakia Soviet Union Sweden Switzerland Turkey Republic of Ukraine United Kingdom Yugoslavia, Dominion of Canada Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic El Salvador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama United States, Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela, Afghanistan Bhutan British Malaya British Raj China Communist China Dutch East Indies Guangxi Clique Iran Iraq Japan Manchukuo Mengkukuo Mongolia Nepal Oman Philippines Saudi Arabia Shanxi Siam Sinkiang Tannu Tuva Tibet Xibei San Ma Yemen Yunnan, Angola Sultanate of Aussa Botswana Kingdom of Egypt Ethiopia Liberia South Africa, Australia Melanesian Federation New Zealand Tahiti. Honestly I don't see the point of the decision if the only modifier to the AI decision is "Promised Independence" for 0.25. The low countries can give you problems. Scan this QR code to download the app now. JavaScript is disabled. I think in that order, but I'm not sure with the last two. and our taking Laissez faire for the right, or General Work council for the left, will get rid of inefficient economy, It says "your economy will become more efficient after 2 years" that means it gets rid of the inefficient economy. Note that doing so may result in the UK guaranteeing them, so it's recommended that either the UK also be player-controlled, or the USSR have caused as little tension as possible (justifying on the Dutch East Indies can also help lower the tension). Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). All rights reserved. Valve Corporation. I finally put it on civilian difficulty and strengthened France to max. Also the whole port of call thing doesnt really work in Vic 2 as everyone (except armies) can sort of teleport to migrate. Note that you can still form the Kingdom of Franco-Spain if Carlist Spain did not win, provided that they did spawn (as you can liberate Spain to them in the peace deal), although doing so will lock you out of gaining cores on any Portuguese states. Similarly, France can act differently in response to German demands for Sudetenland than the UK; if the UK agrees to let Germany have the Sudetenland, the French can either agree with the UK, which will also cancel their guarantee on Yugoslavia, or refuse to go along with the UK and form a faction with Czechoslovakia. France is a major power in 1936, one of the winners of the Great War, and in control of a globe-spanning empire. There is nothing you can do in game to raise their chance of acceptance. JavaScript is disabled. France - National spirits | Paradox Interactive Forums Yup, learned it the hard way. These are the Military Staff candidates for appointment in France. In terms of technology, France has a good head start on mechanized, motorized and tank forces with only a little catch-up for infantry weapons. Additionally, through the focus "French Union", France can gain cores on any of their colonies in Africa, the Middle East, or Indochina, although the cores gained will differ as the outcome is always random - interestingly, if Morocco, Algeria, or Tunisia was to form Andalusia, then be re-conquered by France, it can still agree to be cored through French Union, which would result in France gaining all cores that Morocco had (hypothetically, the same would be true for Arabia if Lebanon or Syria were to form the nation, be re-conquered by France, and then agree to be cored through French Union), although this would be slightly redundant if Legitimist France was to do so, as Andalusia requires Spain and Portugal to be formed) - note that the Blum-Violette proposal would not grant France cores on Andalusia if formed this method, as said focus is fixed in regards to what cores it grants. Mar 21, 2018 1.678 1.747. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Knowing the political climate that we are in today I would expect the encourage immigration option to be better. Also, immigrants tend to assimilate, so most would become Yankees fairly quickly. De Gaulle effectively assumes leadership of the Free French Forces and continues the fight against the Germans. The command to annex France is: annex FRA. The state of French politics is far from stable. Once Italy falls, be sure to quickly capitulate Germany before the Allies are able to do that. Is developing the colonial economies required before they will accept? How to get immigration? | Paradox Interactive Forums Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. r/hoi4 on Reddit: French Union vs Encourage Immigration? I'm no programmer or modder, so im not 100% sure I'm reading the event information correctly, but if it is true then it's almost always better to go Immigration. By default, they can only intervene on the side of the Republicans, but should they change ideologies, France can instead opt to intervene on the side of the Nationalists, the Carlists, the Falangists, or the Communists. Whilst the Marine Nationale is strong enough to decisively defeat either the Kriegsmarine or the Regia Marina alone, it would have no chance against a combined Axis fleet. However, if Germany has restored the Kaiser, they will instead establish Bourbon France, although unlike what happens if France manually restores the monarchy, this Bourbon France will not have a king in charge (France will also become Bourbon France if they become a puppet of a non-aligned government). Maximum Compliance as France is broken in Hearts of Iron 4 Is your government type still presidential dictatorship? hoi4 france indivisible or encourage immigration. to me. General Work Council: Remove inefficient economy. Once the war starts its important to deny military access to all other belligerents and rack up massive war score on your own. Archived post. Privacy Policy. You should probably have started a new thread instead of necroing this old one. France Indivisible HOI4 RNG explained Hatlessspider 2.73K subscribers Subscribe 4.8K views 10 months ago In this video we take a look at the RNG for French Union and discuss whether it is. He told me to quit going to those places." Sometime in 1938 don't forget to build a supply hub to cover the low supply zone on the north of the border with Italy (unless you intend to go Stresa Front). I have no intention of telling my build although did share it with a friend as it's so OP it's ridiculous and if Paradox saw it they would hit it with the nerf bat. If the UK refuses to back up France, however, France can either opt to oppose Germany itself (which will also trigger a civil war) or it can back down. Then with the enemy army suitably weakened you can push. Take Encourage Immigration if you didn't go the Little Entente path. HOI4: French Strategy Guide. How can i mod bigger Immigration to Australia ? A quick guide on how to be successful and get the little entente achievement. Ruling party is Fascist, Has completed focus Form the Popular Front. The whole French tree is a poorly thought out joke. To the east lies Switzerland and Italy lies to the Southeast separated by the huge Alps mountain range. French Union or Encourage Immigration? Next step is forming the European Union. The main problem with forming the EU as France is the inability to annex Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg but this can be worked around by going down the French Entente line in the focus tree. France can form the European Union if Democratic, and if they have , can also form the Kingdom of Franco-Spain if they go Legitimist and Spain also goes Carlist (on historical, the Carlists will almost never spawn if the player is not in charge of Spain and will only spawn on historical if Franco does not secure the North in time; unlike with Spain, France can form the Kingdom of Franco-Spain even if Spain has a different king) - if Spain was to obtain any other cores, France would also gain said cores (Gibraltar if the UK decolonizes or Spain forms Iberia, and any Portuguese cores gained by Spain as a result of forming Iberia - this can include Brazil, Angola, and Mozambique if Portugal was able to core those territories).
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