The day had started off so well. AU where a red string tied around your pinky is connected to your soulmates pinky (when the two of you are in a certain distance). Summary: You lose your ability to see your colours when you "Hey kid what are you waiting for? Note: if you think of a good title for this, I'm open for suggestions. As always, if you want to be tagged let me know, I hope youre all enjoying the story so far. You closed your eyes and braced for impact. different opinions: they were lucky and they were missing out. Peterparkerau Stories - Wattpad week ago. It was a Monday afternoon, your eyelids drooped as you made your way into 6th period, setting your backpack down next to the lab table. ! You whisper-shout. There was however a flaw in your plan, Peter was your lab partner. Now all you had to do was wait. Keeping us on our toes hey. You laughed. They began to explain, one interrupting the other at various times. Can we not talk about that please? Whats going on? Peter asked, concerned. Imagine growing up in a world where everyone has a soulmate- everyone is meant to be with someone. Some people have tattoos, others have counters or red strings. They all had made plans to catch up soon, but not right away. Task #3 and chatted to you about himself, ending his information with further questions Fortunately, the scheme was stopped by Robin and the vigilante known as the Red Hood. Pairing: College!Peter Parker x College!Female!Reader [3rd Person]. Normally, Peter was the first person in the classroom, he practically lived there. He took a moment, deciding if he should tell you or not. So, have you spoken to anyone about you know? Your friend asked, gesturing to the tattoo on your arm. Spider Man turns around slowly and puts his fingers to his lips indicating for you to be silent. If only to keep you safe., When Peter finishes rambling there are tears in your eyes. You bought a packet of Hersheys Kisses on your You always told anyone who asked that you didnt care about finding your soulmate. As you drove back towards the school, you couldnt help but think about the look on Eddies face when he discovered that you had been keeping this secret from him for as long as you had known him. Shortly after Ned began to call Peter. Y/N, called the teacher, where is Peter today? Ive no idea miss. You let out a shrill cry of pain, feeling something slam into your leg and you swore it felt like it had to have broken in two if it wasnt at the very least fractured. Peter grins and leans his head against yours. You were used to all the looks you got from strangers when they saw that you didnt have your tattoo yet. May walks over to you, from where she was leaning against the counter, embracing you in a hug. All the while, Peter sits there, waiting for a response, uncomfortable. ! You shouted, running out after him. billboard down the street to your apartment like usual but something was wrong I swear I dont know anything you answered her. He replies. So whats new with you Peter? Your friend asked him, We dont see much of you these days. I-i just meantthatwellyoure incrediblyuhh Peter begins to ramble in an attempt to save himself. "He's late". Summary: Soulmate AU where one of your closest friends, Peter Parker is hiding something from you, but a selfless act as the masked hero Spider-Man forces him to reveal himself. Not even facades of memory. Happy and Mr. Parker, Mr. Stark is expecting you". Avengers x reader Soulmate AU One Shots - Archive of Our Own Holy fuck- Spider-Man, Queens hero- was your soulmate? One way or another, Im going to find out. Your tone was serious. Peter Parker stood in the mirror praying to God that his soulmate couldnt feel the pain he was in right now. You may have been looking at him, but for some reason, he couldnt look you in the eye. I love you too, you big dork, Peter Parker. "What? He could be anywhere in New York- hell, he might not even be in New York. Now go get in the car so we can get this show on the road! Hed saved countless lives, has taken down insane criminals and once even fought against Captain America. Turning to look at the person next to you, you realised it was Peter. If you want to be added, let me know :), A/N: And we are back! I just- my soulmates uh- hes stupid and uhm- I dont need help. No need to notify your parents that Peter aka SPIDER-MAN was in your house. There in the doorway was Peter. So whats this experiment you guys are doing anyway? You asked, setting up your books on the next desk over. This list will be updated once in a while! Ill tell you about it later. She hated that she had these notes scrawled onto her arms until her soulmate decided to wash them. Peter says to himself as he stares at the string wrapped around his pinkie. Hed been skipping on dates far too much and she didnt know why. You had to do something. Or a new recruit?". God, you were going to throw up. As much as they longed to see each other, family needed to come first. Your mind clouded with wandering thoughts and confusion as your head whipped in the direction of the feeling. Im going to keep putting myself in danger until I find out. You told him. down because whoever was causing this was about to enter your life. Originally posted by tomhollanderr Peter glances at her and smiles. Theyd even stopped working early just to be away from you. You were pretty sure he You help him sit on your bed, mentally freaking out, manage to get out Dont worry, Ive got you, and run off to the bathroom. colours. When you finally meet your soulmate, Bucky feels guilt for not only what he has done, but for the scars that mark your body the . Hey, what.. what are you doing here? He sounded panicked as he frantically looked around for something. Summary: Everyone has a soulmate, but theyre all tied to them differently. Mr Parker! Bellowed the teacher. Peter kept a hand on your shoulder to make sure you were steady. His beauty was subtle, but once focused on: heart stopping. No running in the hall please you heard a booming voice say. On her first day of high school, [Name] was walking around in her schools hallways, looking for her first-period class. You could feel his pain- he could feel yours, but it wouldnt help in finding each other. It hurt him more than anything because he wanted this. You frowned but then the fading spread to the building wall it was You apologised with an embarrassed laugh. It left you breathless and a little shaky on the ground. Sorry, I have to go. He sped off down the street, swinging from every streetlamp on the way. they cant paint because theyre colour blind. Peter is staring at his own hand his eyes wide and his mouth opens slightly. Believe what? chimed in the familiar voice of your friend Peter Parker. Anger, as well as other emotions you couldnt place. He could lift busses and cars- buildings even. He was strong in ways many people dreamed to be. Something was telling him he needed to talk to you about the tattoo he saw on your arm. Spider Man? Your voice is in awe as you see the superhero shutting the door to your soulmates bedroom. Who gets injured every night? The color of his small lips that curl in a small smile every time it seems you embarrass yourself, fumbling over your words while talking in front of him every day in 6th period. Little did you know that as you walked away, Peter never took his eyes off you. Part 1Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9. Dont worry about it! It wasnt something you could pinpoint, however. Not this pure human who drew doodles on their arms. My. Looking at the time you stood up, I better get going, its almost time for class and ive got to get all the way to the other side of the building. You picked up your tray. I saw your tattoo earlier and- I dont want to talk about it Peter you cut him off. Peter's face falls. Don't like, don't read. Was he some sort of thug? Okay, breathe Y/N, lets focus on getting out of here and then I can find out who he is. Your parents had told you that your eyes were a bright Y/E/C, whatever that color looked like, and your hair was a soft Y/H/C that glistened in the sun. In complete shock you had accidently dropped you glass causing it to shatter all over the floor. This time he took your hand in his. You grumbled and cursed under your breath, angrily making your way off school grounds, mind set on going to your favorite nearby caf. One restart, after that, lie to me again and were done. Peter nods quickly. When I hear her voice - Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate AU. Whoa! Why, Peter? Your tone was almost accusatory. You and Peter ate the rest of your lunch in almost complete silence. You were sixteen years old and yes it may sound young, but the average age to find your soulmate is fourteen. Knocking twice on the door you tap your fingers to shake off the dread and nerves bundling up in your body. It was just last year when youd gotten the first big sign of pain from your soulmate. meet your soulmate. Any bruises or cuts they receive appear on your body. You hadnt told Peter about your suspicions, but that was because there wasnt exactly much to go on. You would finally be able to vision the color of his seemingly soft, lightly curled hair that fell in front of his forehead at times of immediate concentration. After school, you made your way to the construction site near your house. So, you heard as you neared the classroom, who did you bring? Eddie had asked the three excited boys.That would be me. You answered, stepping into the room before any of them could say anything.Really? Eddie asked, confused and surprised. You felt like you already met your soulmate, but the timer didnt go off when you met him. one shots: Early | soulmate!peter parker x reader. She swiftly picked up a marker and started writing a short note back to him, right under his note. "Two nights ago, an attempted drug trade took place at the Gotham Harbor in an abandoned warehouse. When you got to the school, you pulled up in an empty spot and let Dustin out of the car.Arent you coming? He asked when you didnt move.Yeah, Ill be out in a minute, you go on ahead. You smiled.Thirty seconds after he had turned and left, the passenger side door opened again and there was a hefty sigh as the visitor threw themselves down into the seat.Here we are again, Eddie turned to face you and you to face him, high school, how thrilling. His voice was monotonous and sarcastic.Senior year, again, you teased him with a smile as your hand reached up to cup his cheek, not much longer now babe, this is going to be your year! You assured him.He moved his head to kiss the palm of your hand, which was still touching his face. Sighing and turning towards the steps, you heard sirens from the police cars which were fast approaching and heading in the same direction as Spider-Man. the comfort of your bedroom. Your timer says otherwise. But youre my Soulmate Peter whispered as the rest of the school charged out of the cafeteria, crashing into him. Hey, wait up a sec! He shouted. Then the bell rang, most of you had different lessons first period, so you said goodbye and headed off in different directions. No freaking way! Im looking forward to our first official date! PROTECTIVE BASTARD 9 parts Ongoing Still, it should be better this way, shouldnt it? Their friends had finally made their way back to Queens. She got even more excited than she already was when she looked down at her arm and saw a note from the one and only, Peter Parker. They went to the same school and they had all the same core classes with her. A/N: Just an intro tease. Sure, you cared for himbut how could anyone stay with a person they dont even trust? He didnt realise that you were standing closely behind Ned, and therefore he didnt think to put on his jacket. Its all part of the service, he laughed, Im glad youre alright but I need to go, someone has to stop that mad man. He said as he started running off, just before leaping into the air, he turned to you and shouted Stay safe!. warnings: none word count: 1.3k pairings: peter parker x reader a/n: because who DOESN'T love a multi-chapter, fluffy, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers soulmate!au can i get an amen "Happy birthday, honey," your mom beamed, handing you a small package, the last present of the night. The flowers on (Y/N)s paper were the perfect copies to the ones that appeared on Peters arms. You looked down at the scribbles in front of you. Peter and I have one of the empty Science rooms to ourselves if you want in on the experiment we are doing?, You might want to work on re-phrasing that but sure, what the hell - I can catch up on some work.. Just writing up some results, its really interesting actually he smiled. Sorry Sir! You shouted, slowing down to a hasty walk. Her jaw dropped so far that it almost hit the floor. Id have to tell you sooner or later.. I mean seriously, what are the odds? You were saying to your friend. You could already feel what pain was to come next looming over you. Peter? I Knew It! Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate AU - Aw, arrows no He would never get to tell her anyway. Im sure- are you okay though? An awkward silence ensues thats broken by this boy. It became an obsession. What you doing? You asked nonchalantly. Stay tuned! Or did you cover your mouth and snort all sweet like? It seemed like he loved to find you at the worst times- like he lived for causing you pain and frustration. Last updated: 6/17/2021. In the hurry to find out what was going on with Peter, you had left all of your belongings at your desk. You turn your attention away from the shattered glass and towards the unknown voice. Your soulmate is constantly getting injured and its driving you insane! It was 4 am and your friend was still fast asleep. of was rejection, rejection from your soulmate because the ability to see A/N: This still feels a little rushed to me, but also not?? When nothing came afterwards, you smirked to yourself. You envied their sweet relationships and ability to see the good in people and the real in everything around them. Spiderman x reader Imagines - slaps (soulmate AU) - Wattpad Bucky Barnes X Reader Soulmate!AU (Extras) 3 pages March 9, 2020 sofreakinmanyfandoms . Why couldnt he stub his toe once in awhile instead of being slammed into walls or crushed by unknown objects? This one is for @theassetseyeliner s challenge! Im sorry but Im also not- and this ones kinda short, kinda not, part 8 is in the works c; Everything ached- his side burned, his throat was raw and all he could taste was blood. Peter was just a normal guy- at least he seemed like it. peter parker x reader - wattpad (more unposted fics are located here) - requests closed as of august 2021 - fics by other authors that I love. When [Name] first met her soulmate, she was a freshman in high school. Since then- the pain never really stopped. (Y/N) digs a pen out from her bag and writes a word in all caps on her hand. It would be a lie, but he didnt have to tell you that. Im so sorry! The next morning you arrived at school, tired after spending the rest of the night lying in bed and thinking about your encounter. Avengers Soulmate Au Fanfiction Stories | Quotev All I See (Peter Parker x Soulmate! Reader): Chapter 5 RIP Bob. H-hey. Ink (Peter Parker x Reader) Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 669 Summary: Soulmate AU where everything you write or draw on your skin appears on your soulmate too. If only you could meet his eyes with yours and at that very moment, his gorgeous sparkle would invite you to be apart of him and his love for both of you. Every drawing disappeared by the end of the day, yet Peter always tried to recreate his favorite never succeeding. Their friends hadnt seen their family much just as they hadnt seen their friends, and surely their tired minds wanted nothing more than to lounge around their forever home for a while before going out. I know that were in class right now, but I cant get you off my mind. Every where you turned, your eyes followed the two colors like clockwork, that being the only things you can vision. Oh, well does anyone else know? Summary: Eddie Munson had been dating Dustin Hendersons sibling since long before Dustin joined Hellfire, its not their fault he never saw the signs. Im super clumsy so I understand, a boy with messy brown hair looked at her, giving her a crooked (but cute) smile. (Soulmate!AU) In a world where soulmates share wounds and scars, you are born missing your left arm. Posted on 9 Oct 2017 9:19pm (5 years ago) with 1,540 notes. H-hey. The boy, wearing her school uniform, says. Your first class after lunch the following day was Science. Its not like you were trying to hide your relationship, in fact, chances are pretty much the whole school knew by now. Please Just Let Me Hold You by Kody. Once you found your soulmate, your world vanished of the standard black and white tones of the sky and objects surrounding your being, to bright, vivid colors popping out at you from every angle of your sight. Turning the corner and breaking back into a sprint, you ran straight into Ned and dropped the textbooks which you hadnt managed to fit into your bag. You couldnt see the colour of his eyes but they were shining and "So why dont you want Eddie to know? Mike asked you.Erm, you racked your brain trying to come up with something believable that on the one hand didnt expose your relationship, and on the other hand didnt make it seem like the two of you had never even so much as spoken to one another. The scream that escaped from your lips had to have been loud- it caught the attention of damn near everyone walking the streets around you. He didnt see the two of you enter, he just heard the door open and close, followed by friendly greeting from Ned. What on Earth? Well, now you knew why he chose your house. Butterflies stampede into his stomach. You were in your studio working on your lastest art piece whilst humming to (Fav Song) which was playing in the background. Is it worth the compromise? You couldnt believe it. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9. You grabbed the second solution and set in the holder before your mind wandered with a certain thought. But thats only because of one thing. There was only one way to test it though, and it was going to hurt. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) woke up feeling as if she had been run over by a semi-truck. As you climbed into the car, Dustin began quizzing you about the school. I still love you, she said as she started packing up all of her materials. He was so damn tired of tasting his own blood. Whats the answer to the question I just asked then? Nothing new really.. except, you paused, thinking about Ned not being very good at keeping secrets. Based off of this song. You close the distance between you both, wrapping your arms around his neck, Im willing to have a do-over. Peter was up all night stopping petty crimes, one of which involved a man with a gun, and a fist fight after his web slingers stopped working. 16.4K 443 28. Request: Anon said: Please do a part 2 to the soulmate story. Each day Peter lied about some mugging on his way home from a late night snack binge. You couldnt even think about the embarrassment of people finding out Spider-Man is your Soulmate. That was the most common thing your soulmate had you feeling- though, it was usually at ungodly hours of the night. kind. Slips | Peter Parker | Soulmate AU - Tee - Wattpad Yeah, okay, Ill see you later then! Peter called after you. Well, today will be awesome! Yeah. nearly made you cry again. Thats why it didnt go off the first time we met! Wh.. what are you talking about? He asked, slowly pulling his sleeves down. I couldnt ask for a better girlfriend, lab partner, and best friend. Seriously, when I wrote the first part to this, I had no idea it would lead here or become so well liked! This is our stop yeah?. Oh! I will admit I kinda left out the comedic part of this challenge. You and your friend headed towards the cafeteria, they were still freaking out about the fact that Spider-Man is your Soulmate. As soon as the bell rang, Peter bolted. Hopefully, youll enjoy. They always wrote little notes of what they needed to do on their arms (and sometimes, they wrote little math and science formulas). Love, Peter Parker - Soulmate AU Fic Recs Still, it seemed worth it if your soulmate got a taste of his own medicine. But really, Peter lets out a small nervous chuckle. He didnt have a soulmate. It also happened to be the day your brother started his freshman year. The world had adapted What the cliques were, whether the older kids would be horrid to him and his friends.Maybe that shirts not such a great idea. You gestured to what your brother was wearing and raised an eyebrow.Hey, this shirt is a classic. He defended.You both laughed and the rest of the drive was spent with you constantly reassuring him that he would have a great time. No, no you didnt leave anything. He said, catching his breath. Original Characters. It was an anxiety that stemmed from a morbid ghost story about a man who was murdered by He ran into an empty classroom, which you too were going to enter until you looked through the frosted pane of glass. He made so many excuses to cancel your hangouts these past few months and it was starting to hurt your friendship a bit. You had found the perfect spot, the workers couldnt see you from where they were, which meant they couldnt tell you to get out of the way. chaos | peter parker 49 parts Ongoing A story of which being Tony Stark's daughter and having powers is the definition of Chaos. You were absolutely certain the sweet, dorky, science-loving, cute nerd that was your best friend was it. Im- Im good., you reassured as you shakily stood up, mentally cursing your soulmate for embarrassing you for the second time today. Im sure, you replied, but believe me, Im going to get to the bottom of it. You excused yourself, this had been your final class of the day, so you headed off outside where your best friend would be waiting for you.
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