There shouldn't be such a huge disparity in flavor between bulk and tin. Penzance is probably one of my favourite English tobaccos. Pure Nirvana. The initial lightup was pure trauma as hundreds of black particles shot through my mouth and into the back of my throat nearly choking me to death on the first puff! Ten stars. I prefer Presbyterian mix, and squadron leader over this also. My bowl lasted nearly an houran hour of pure bliss. It makes me hungry. Tin Description A wonderful complex secret recipe of the finest Virginias, choice Turkish and Orientals and Cyprian Latakia, all hand blended together, hard pressed and broad cut into thick flakes. Whatever, the best tin I've smoked to date was a 7 year old tin, and I've preferred fresh tins to the 13 year old tin I'm now smoking. It crumbles easy into small pieces and packs effortlessly. Finish: Does not get harsher at the bottom, smokes quite dry, and leaves a nice white ash. I used to smoke it when it was almost available, I searched for it when it became unavailable. In fact it initially gave me some problems. All in all, it's a chimera and an enigma. Buy the blends you enjoy now, because they may not be around tomorrow. At all other times, the fullness and basic satisfaction you get from Penzance is equalled nowhere else, IME. Usually I go through different review components, but there is not much more that can be said about this really good tobacco. Because it breaks apart very easily, there's several ways to fill your pipe with it, and one way is as good as another, though I prefer to pack it a little loose so it burns easier in the last quarter of the bowl. I am so glad I did. Penzance is a highly reputed blend inside Chinese pipe smokers. Cool and non-biting, a thick creamy taste that I find quite seductive. Beautiful in the tin, rich and smooth in the bowl. I carefully tried to maintain the flake when pulling it from the tin, folded it twice and stuffed it into a bent brandy egg. Whatevle. As savory an English/Balkan cake as one is likely to get, there is nothing quite like Penzance, and there is good reason that it has attracted so much attention over the years. The tin smells smoky with a strong hint of BBQ sauce. UPDATE: >>> 01/20/2018 After a few more tins and a closer inspection, the whiteness on this tobacco may actually be a crystalization and not a delicate mold, I saw sparkling in the sunlight. Just now finished a bowl of Penzance Circa 1991.WOW.the Penzance I truly remembered. After the third or forth light the pipe is lit with thin smoke output. This is probably my sixth tin tried and can't reach the middle of the tin, again. So what then is the difference? If some alchemist could turn a bottle of 60 year-old Single Malt Islay Scotch into a pipe tobacco blend, that blend would taste like Penzance. I was really suprised - it almost crumbles by itself! Packaging: Bag The special aging process brings a lot to the flavor profile. When lit, it releases a gentle sweetness amidst a hearty flavor that tastes full and incredibly unified. Truly superb. So "fruity" is the nose that it works its way into the taste, like apricots, figs, and vague pineapple, citrus, etc. I get another 5/10 min or so of smoking. I WOULD LIKE TO THANK VERY MUCH THE REVIEWER PIPESTUD CAUSE AFTER READING HIS REVIEWS, THE LAST TWO YEARS, I LEARNED A LOT, REGARDING THE TOBACCOS TASTING Even though, I?m a fan of Latakia, this tobacco forces you to revise many of your views. That unique taste is what drives the fuss for this blend. Its amazing! And it is. A large part of the pleasure I get out of pipe smoking comes from the creation of a nice red ember throughout the top layer of tobacco, thereby allowing me to gently sip the smoke at my leisure. I know there's some oriental or something floating around in there too. Penzance adds a full bottom note to that, balancing it and making it complete. I've enjoyed reading the reviews here and found them helpful as I find out what works for me. This is your classic old school English. It is not dense like most flakes I play with, but it felt good. Inc. All Rights Reserved. Not much to add that someone hasn't already said. If you like English Blends you're gonna like this one, I can almost promise it. I cant believe people actually PAY for this stuff!! This is my all day blend. Absolutely no work involved, and we all like that ;) Lights up to a delicious BAM! Smallish tin fits in pocket or carrying case well. Taste is superb. The venders that carry it on the Internet are all out of stock. I want to cook with this stuff. I find it appealing that this is such a well rounded tobacco, but at the same time, none of these elements shines in a way that compels me to want it the way some of my blends do. The tin aroma suggests fine tobacco, and the smoking of that tobacco confirms it. I imagine this will help the problem I'm about to describe. I'm reviewing this from a tin that was opened about 5 months ago and that has sat in a jar since then. My first brush with the ET line was a 7 year old tin of Penzance. There is a good aftertaste that is left that dwindles into a kind of soapy aftertaste when some time has passed. The tightly pressed flakes are fun just to feel and smell. Man this is just that good! Something went terribly wrong with this blend. I still however very much recommend this blend. To put it another way: I was hoping for flavors of sandalwood, dark tea and exotic fruits bathed in smoky sweetness, but what I got (mostly) was fresh peat and coffee grounds punched-up with fleeting bursts of sugar & spice. Don't forget: this is a one time alert. I will not smoke this regularly, but would consider it when I was looking for an English flavor that would be mild an more in the background. Upon opening the tin again, I was ready for my blast of Iodine, but IT WAS GONE, not just reduced, but 100% GONE, without a trace of Iodine scent????? A big disappointment. But besides that, Penzance is awesome and is easily in my top 5 favorite English blends. For all your Esoterica pipe tobacco needs, whether that be Penzance, or another blend, find them all, with Fast and Free domestic shipping included, visit This is in my top ten, but I'd like a bit more sweetness. My second experience with latakia was Old Dublin, which didn't nearly stack up in flavor. A river can never rise higher than its source. Because of the much touted reputation of the blend, and the demand presumably fueled by its supposed unavailability, vendors charge a significant premium. Generally it's a direct assault on the sweet and smokey taste buds. It is among the best English blends ever made, though (gasp) I don't think it perfect. I can see where all the positive feedback comes from. I only wish more really go blends came in cruble cake form. That's exactly it. The older the better for this blend, as the Virginias develop their tell tale sugar crystals. To each his own. What's the use? The smoke is not thick. So, ditto. Although I enjoy the taste--which is full, deep, and very tobacco-y--I find that this stuff often smokes wet and bitey for me. This is such a well balanced tobacco that none of the ingredients pushes itself to the front. We Tried This Tobbaco Because Of The 3~4 Star Review It Was Getting ~N~ Was Looking For Another Pipe Tobacco To Smoke, The First Penzance 8oz Tobacco Pack We Recieved Was Good ~ Very Good ~BUT~ After That ~ Well Read on If U Dare, When It Was Time To Purchase Some More Penzance ~ They Were OUT of Stock From ALL Tobacco Online Shops, So We WAITED ~ When The Online Shop Got It in Stock We Purchase THREE Penzance 8oz Tobacco Packs, Another Thing ThIS WEB Site Will Not Let Us Say The Tobacco Shop That They Are In BED With ~ They Don't Want To Lose Any FKen Business, We Have NOW Tried ALL Three Packs ~N~ It's ALL Very BAD Tobacco, We Have Around a Dozen or So Pipes To Smoke From ~ We've Been Smoking Pipes For Around 14yrs ~ We Cleaned All Our Pipes Several Time Just To Make Sure It Wasn't Our Pipes, This Tobacco NOW Get's a 4 Star Review ~ For Being So Bad ~ So Very BAD ~ This Company Esoterica Tobacciana That Mix's Penzance Tobacco ~ Mix's Really Very BAD Tobacco, We Think That The Tobacco Company Esoterica Tobacciana USED Any OLD Tobacco They HAD In Stock ~ Just So They Could Ship That DAM Penzance 8oz Tobacco Out, It Had Be Out of Stock For a While ~N~ We Think They Saw They Were Losing To Much Money By Not Selling This Penzance Tobacco, We Will NEVER Purchase Any Thing From Esoterica Tobacciana Ever Again, Thx U ~ In Advance For Taking The Time To Read This Review of ONE BAD Tobacco Penzance ~N~ The Company That Mix's It Esoterica Tobacciana. Again, "Margate is to the morning, what Penzance is to the twilight, the evening, and the black and dark night." Esoterica Penzance tobacco. I like it so munch I bought 20 tins and a stanwell #227 that I use just for penzance. Maybe I got a damp batch, so to be fair I?ll let it age in a jar and try it again in a year or so, and re-review it. Smokes hotter than I prefer near the end but still an enjoyable smoke overall. It?s a shame I can?t give more than just the four stars here. Overall, a great blend. Too bad it is so hard to get a hold of. There are over 150 reviews here already, so I'll try to avoid retreading ground that's already been well covered by others; although, I will say that the observation that it smells like band-aids in the tin was especially apt. The flakes are packed upright & sideways & occupy the full length of the tin. The fact it's a flake garners it brownie points with meas does the small, pocketable tin. The tobacco in this tin was still moist, but not dripping wet, per usual. It was no where to be found, but EVERYONE was saying how great it was. Pipe Used: Tsuge tankard, MM Country Gentleman, MF #9. Amazing stuff! Taking into consideration the very mellow sweet flavor and how structurally delicate Penzance is I might assume that Penzance has been specially aged or decayed for a longer period of time than Quiet Nights. Sadly can not be a daily smoke because of its hard to find status. 6. enjoy for an hour or so and then tap flat never pack this stuff and religt for a surprisinly long lasting and slow burning last third with great soft and plentifull smoke. Did I buy it all? This stuff is amazingly good! Quite a conundrum. Penzance is a high quality English blend, well balanced, easy to pack and light, semi sweet with soft and smooth Latakia, elegant with enough body and complexity to keep the smoker interested. Penzance follows your desire, no searching necessary. Moisture is perfect . One word of caution: when you open a tin, try to either smoke it all within a few days or transfer it to a glass jar, as it loses some of its character soon after opening. I remember the hype ten years ago when I was smoking my pipes more, but never really got into the Penzance mode. Penzance has a relatively warm tone, a soft spiciness & what I can only define as a sooty mouthfeel. They talk about how cool she is, how nice she smells, how you just fold her up and stick it in, how she takes to the load like a champ, how when you suck on her, she billows like an old train engine. You get the picture. That said, it's a brilliant tobacco and is hard to find for a reason. The pouch aroma is almost musty/earthy, and the room note, although strong, does not seem to be penetrating. The room note is by far the most perfumed smell of ANY blend. For such a dense, moist flake it managed reasonable burning qualities. While not my favorite Krumble Kake, there is a nice interplay between the Orientals and the Latakia. I saved the tin until a few of my buddies and myself could sample this fine tobacco together. This is a quality tobacco, but not for my taste. I think most of the reviews capture the essence of this superb blend. I recently purchased several new blends from, Penzance being one of them. They are NEVER available ANYWHERE except on ebay where they are sold for prices that can only be described as obscene. The taste is obviously not due to some secret sauce, but rather a mixture of amazing tobaccos. A full smoke, that will satisfy all who enjoy Latakia, with just the perfect accompaniment of Virginia's, Orientals, and Turkish. Mad that it wasn't living up to its hype in my head. Penzance has a distinctive flavor unlike any other I had ever smoked. I originally tried Penzance based on the reviews that I read here. When I first tried this one, it was far far too much for me. But none of them smell this good to bystanders. Stock up! I've since tried Krumble Kake, a similar tobacco that just doesn't measure up to Penzance. After a third of a bowl I had to dump it out. Pay no heed to anyone, this is a 4 star tobacco. It packs easily and lights quickly, burning through a bowl with a below-average number of relights required. This is where the fun stopped however. Together, these ingredients give this tobacco a solid middle band presence and allow the Orientals to crest to the top, creating a delightfully mellow smoke. But I can safely say - Penzance didn't disappoint. More of a crumble flake than others mine was 5 years aged. Even this confirmed Virginia smoker must make room in the rotation for Penzance! I'll have to get to know Penzance more. The Cyprian latatkia in this tobacco must be very high quality because it's flavor is very smooth. Volumous smoke with a great depth and breath of flavor and aroma. As an ex-cigarette smoker and occasional cigar fan, this stuff makes me want to forget cigars altogether. I avoided all other English blends thereafter. See you in half an hour And were back. Good but not what I consider great, hence the three-star rating. Some acidic flavors towards the end of the bowl . Absolutely, but it sure does make smoking that much more enjoyable. At this moment, there are already 342 other reviews of the much sought after Penzance. Just that I didn't find much enjoyable flavor to it. But tonight, swamped under a pile of work so big I can't even dream my way through, I reached to the back of the drawer looking for the drug I needed to help me through. Upon smoking the lemongrass comes through, must be that wonderful oriental tobacco. With so many wonderful reviews, or course I had to try Penzance. No, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. The only surprise in this department was the lack of nicotine. This is Premium Quality stuff! It sets it apart in flavor from other blends in the genre. Its easy to light, and it burns down to a soft ash. The Latakia is smoky, there's creaminess and an incense like flavor that permeates through the entire bowl, it also mingles with the sweet mentholated flavor. I do recall that I had a hard time keeping the stuff lit. I normally smoke this by the fireplace after a good steak dinner. Just gravity-feed into the bowl, then tamp as it is smoked; no problems or concerns, easy. If you are not in to good Turkish,Virginia,Cyprian Latakia,and in the highest quality,pass it by.As for me and my pipes, we shall enjoy this most wonderful and relaxing leaf. Next best is any tin that's just been popped, because it simply goes flat in a jar over time. It's very, very good, but the best of the F&P blends combine equal flavor with superior smoking characteristics, IMO. Not sure its worth the price on the second hand market, but I keep coming back to it. Some have compared it to Frog Morton:no way this is at a very different level and most it is not sweet-sticky-flavored as FM. The tobacco that you enjoy extra long no matter what you eat and how well you brush your teeth. Note: I am a Latakia fan, BTW, but I prefer it to be in some sort of harmony (or perhaps a counterpoint) with the other elements of a given blend. It made my other long time favorite English tobacco taste like used socks. That would be the Ammonia smell found in most tins of snuff tobaccos. The little 2oz tins are great too for holding a few bowls worth to carry around on oneself, though they seem considerably harder to find. Sweet, grassy Virgina pokes its head out from time to time. But this is a tobacco that shines just after opening after a week or two it does get a little iffy. All the same, I smoked through a few ounces before deciding to weigh-in: There isn't a whole heck of a lot to add to the nearly 400 reviews of this, so for the sake of expediency: --Cut is a chunky crumble kake, very black and oily --Aroma is the quintessential "English" blend - creamy, sweet/smoky, earthy --Might take just a bit of work to get lit, but once it's burning it puffs away without too much maintenance, burning to the bottom of the pipe with little-to-know dottle. Penzance comes in slices that break out nicely into a krumble kake form. This stuff is unique. So I cannot say whether some airing out would have made a big difference throughout the tin. The tin aroma leaves a little to be desired and the presentation of the flakes although unique is a little off putting. Again, it's still my favorite. I'll bring along a tin every once in a while when I wish I could get in a smoke at work. Smoked this wonderful Balkan on and off again for some years now but had a kind of prejudice in that we had two guys in our pipe club who never ceased gushing on and on how great a Balkan it was. I'm glad that everyone enjoys it. Remember when you were a kid and your mom gave you a pudding cup and your were enjoying that pudding cup but after you was finished you were kinda sad cause you had no more pudding and you wanted more? Penzance burns particularly well, both very cool and very evenly. This was not a bad experience by any means. The moisture level is about right to perhaps a little moist (nothing a few minutes won't fix). For what it is, it's way over priced. In the tin, a wonderful full Latakia smokiness, reminiscent of sitting next to a camp fire with a spicy undertone somewhere between those nostalgia. Definitely one to keep in the cellar. The flakes from the large 8 oz. I can't put my finger on the flavor exactly, most English blends taste like campfire, but I found this one to give me more of an impression of old worn leather, like a leather belt that has been worn every day for years. This is because the smoking taste is, IMHO, fundamentally a bit too heavy on Latakiaarguably to the point of being unbalanced versus the orientals. I don't care if everybody else seems to think so too, that just goes to show that there are actually plenty of people around with their heads screwed on straight. But after a year of trying and tasting this blend, (and mastering the retro-hale) it finally makes sense to me and I must bow down to the holy grail of pipe tobacco. Weather: 68 degrees Fahrenheit, low humidity. Overall, this is one of the few English blends I would call truly outstanding. Smoking this stuff made me reminisce back to my childhood days, growing up in Far North Queensland. The room note gets different reviews depending on the company I'm keeping at the time. Few and far between are mixtures that attempt any sort of fusion between Latakia and the classic Lakeland aromatics. But then a massive manic attack hit, and in a fit of oddity, I tossed all of my tobacco in the trash, before barely a taste. The best behaved and easiest English tobacco Ive ever smoked. As I moved around to other types of blends and backed away from the lat/oriental forward stuff, I sort o f forgot about Penzance. Good stuff, but it's a little strong. I highly recommend this for those who want a great English tobacco. Size: 8 Oz. For both smokes I used the same pipe.a LaStrada Pot style nosewarmer with a wide chamber. Long matured and easily crumbled to facilitate pipe filling. Thus, even though I really enjoy the experience Penzance provides, I'm forced to rate it three stars. But, I must. Long matured and easily crumbled to facilitate pipe filling. I bought 2 or 3 parcels of this tobacco from a friend, all of them over 5 years old. Nice rectangular golden tin with a label that looks like it was printed at home. I received my sample as cube-cutted-ish, so I can't comment on the flakes, but the unburnt aroma is delicious! I give this'un 3.5 stars, but that doesn't really show up wth the current system. The crumble cake flake is a very nice texture and humidity. The taste is crme de latakia, and under the influence of a good shot of scotch, the taste takes on a number of exotic dimensions, probably due to its Turkish and Cyprian ingredients. I've read a bunch of the reviews of this tobacco and was recently walking through the local pipe and tobacco shop, when I noticed the golden glint in my peripheryI stopped and looked to the left. update - I struggle to keep my hands off choosing this everynight. If you can't get excited by Penzance, put down your pipe and stop smoking, as this is the art of tobacco production at it's finest, look no further. Maybe one day another blender will come up with something which is comparable to Penzance, but nothing comes close to the 2010 batch I hadaccording to 1,000 or more pipers' opinions who say the same. Wish I could put the taste/flavor and exp into words betterI will say IMO there is nothing like this bacciif you are an English blend loverit is a MUST have! A blissful, near spiritual experience. Stout and delicate at the same time; Thoroughly recommended! Penzance is a classic, there's no doubt about it. The virginias used are of a substantially better quality than you will find in most other blends, having absolutely no cigarettish taste nor aroma. Reminded my of a woodsy smokehouse beef jerky kinda aroma with a hint of latakia hanging around. While there is a little Latakia leaf in Penzance, the presentation is very delicate, not at all heavy like, say, Frog Morton or Old Ironsides which are predominantly Latakia blends. I guess that I'll try one of the five remaining tins each year just to be honest. The clerk (he was the new guy) said Hey, just wanted to let you know we got a shipment of Esoterica tobaccos in, and we have a pound of Penzance and a pound of Stonehaven if youre interested. The car drive that usually takes 20-minutes probably took me about 7-minutes on that day. 1oz arrived in a ziplock bag from a B&M store, (kingsmoking). Creamier than one might expect without being overly sweet. All in all a good smoke, I recommend it! This blend is an old companion that can always be relied upon to brighten an otherwise dreary day. It's quite clear that this is a high quality, latakia laden crumble cake. Simply briliant! After so many reviews what more can be said about this glorious blend. It's a shame it's so hard to get. Penzance is one of them. The lid on the container was bulging I know its been in there a long time and once I opened it and smelled it I was like holy smokes! Perhaps it's both crystalization and a whispy delicate white mold. The best tobacco I've smoked so far. In a somewhat larger, relatively shallow bowl I was heading towards the same heaven as when I smoke Balkan Sobranie. To me it is alot like S.G. Chocolate Flake. 5. Do ur self a favor, buy or trade for some, but please don't do the eBay thing or pay their incredibly inflated prices. I can't add much more to what has already been written. It is always disappointing to me. Very low nic hit. As odd as it sounds, I prefer using a filter at this one. This is a nice, full bodied blend very similar to Smokers Haven Krumble Kake and both are made by Germain so there ya go. If you?ve ever rinsed your mouth with salt water you know exactly how this bag tasted. His response - 'I have 2 lb. They have a winning product and can never seem to be able to ramp up production. As a Brit, getting hold of this stuff is impossible, same goes for all of Esoterica's 'British made' tobacco. It comes in a small rectangular tin and is in wax paper in thin precut slices, that crumble very easily. At the same time, I was to use my smartphone to hand over the cash via paypal to his online account, as he checked for updates. We used to swap shots between drinks, or drinks between shots, whichever you like. I think I need to try more of the fruit flavored (cherry?) Smoking wonderfully. No need to rub it out much, if at all. It packed better than most flakes lit easily but needed a few light tampings and relights.especially toward the end, but I didn't mind at all. Well it is subtle but real. Cool smoke, no bite. Original review 12/27/2010: I just don't get this one. Penzance is outstandingly rich, complex, and satisfying. Has anyone else experienced this with Penzance? Esoterica- Ramsgate 8 ounce. It's the only tobacco that my wife of thirty-four years, has asked me to please go to my shop to enjoy. Select One It comes in little squarish flakes side by side in rows, inside the plastic insert trays in the half pound bags. Several reviewers wrote that these are the most overrated tobaccos in history. Gravity filled my Clarks Favorite. This is incredibly smooth and cool with a great rich taste to it. Upon initial lighting and the 1st few puffs I sensed the Latakia spice and the Va sweetness as seperate components. I call this a complex smoke, I call it wonderful, I ordered a bunch in bulk for aging, and I can't wait to try some after it's been resting a year or two. As I was once guilty of hoarding, I am in no position to criticize, but karma bites. Latakia dominates, but the background interplay of the Oriental and Virginia hold my interest with no problem at all. Clearly a four star blend with no detractors. Never smoked before that. bag. I couldn't pick out any latakia, any orientals, or anything at all. Because it is worthy of it! This is very close, if not identical, to Smoker's Haven Krumble Kake and a whole lot easier to purchase as it is carried by Tobacconists nearly everywhere. First Impression: Seemed very "olde world" and I liked it very much! I participated in a blind tobacco review in which none of the reviewers like it very much and most of them like are fond of latakia and orientals. It is a heavenly smoke if sipped gently to appreciate all the nuance. A couple puffs in, I was hit with something, only momentarily, that reminded me of caramel pecans: it hate the bitter, oiliness of the pecan, but the sweet, caramelized sugar with it. Greasy, humid, leathery, yet mild and sweet. More balkan than oriental. This is obviously delicious stuff. Very easy to light,leaving a nice white grey ash. And the complexity of the blend revealing different note going trough the bowl never ceased to amaze me. Theres ample earthy Virginia to add flesh while the Turkish tobaccos add to the complexity of the blend and are surely discernible. I didn't like it very much, then, due to the fact that my few encounters with tobacco had been of the Walgreens varietyI'll say no more on that. They both look and feel similar, smell similar, and smoke similar. I prefer more Virginia punch, sweetness and strength in my English blends, but this is a pleasant, easygoing smoke that really hits the mark at the halfway point. Burning qualities are fair to good but I would suggest some drying time before smoking. It mosly serves to hold the blend together, rather than to add much flavor. Just a quick observation about the soapy taste sometimes reported. This is a very easy smoke. I don't like English blends. The smokiness never disappears, but does pop in enough to remind you of It's presence. A muzzle is unnecessary, as this Black Lab neither barks nor bites. Get your behind down to the store and buy as much as you can!!!!!!!! Upon lighting, it's the Latakia that thunders to the fore. In my first tin, I didn't like it at all after this, in my second, the dull, musty flavor wasn't as evident but I was able to finish it off and enjoy it as well. The tobacco itself is very delicious. It looks and smells as if it's been prepared in a large wood shed in some dark deep earthy damp forest. I have an idea. Dunhill make great pipes and Germain makes great tobacco. It was a nice and smoky blend but I found it slightly boring. I smoked this for the first time two years ago and fell in love with it immediately.
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