D. decomposer Alveolates contain both photosynthetic lineages, such as Chromera and many dinoflagellates, and non-photosynthetic lineages, such as ciliates, colpodellids, apicomplexans and perkinsids. Chapter 28 Flashcards | Quizlet A. Rhizaria A. yellow B. red-orange C. blue-green D. are grouped in the same supergroup by most biologists. These pigments In small streams, most algae are attached to rocks. -are all more closely related to each other than they are to any other kind of organisms E. a symbiotic relationship between two archaeons. cause of food poisoning in humans. E. mixotrophic, Bioluminescence is: also disintegrate, (3) the remaining micronucleus undergoes mitosis to Kelp grows in underwater forests (kelp forests) in shallow oceans, and is thought to have appeared in the Miocene, 5 to 23 million years ago. ciliates, Distinctive strawlike hairs occurring on the surface of flagella are characteristic of: C. pili undergoes meiosis to produce four haploid micronuclei, of which three Members of the supergroup Amoebozoa are characterized by: E. The filament of eukaryotes is multilayered whereas that of prokaryotes is a single strand. - rhizarians, sac like aveoli, fluid is for defense or benefits, histones proteins, RNA polymerase, ribosomal proteins, protein membrane, extremophiles, flagella, histone proteins, ribosomal proteins, RNA polymerases, moderate habitats, Gene transfer: According to the most widely accepted hypothesis, the origin of the nuclear genome involved: They are heterotrophic, but may contain unicellular algal endosymbionts (green algae, red algae, chrysophytes, diatoms, or dinoflagellates). What conclusion can you make about the coliform bacteria in the pond water? The dinoflagellate Pfisteria is an important protist. Archaeplastida is more general in including the red algae and the glaucophytes. As an environmental scientist, what would you suggest concerned citizens do to help prevent these red tides? Cavalier-Smith 1993, Bolidophyceae Guillou & Chretiennot-Dinet 1999, Phaeophyceae (brown seaweeds) Hansgirg 1886. A. aerobic, photosynthetic, eukaryotic. Foraminiferans are major contributors to sedimentary chalk deposits. Apicomplexans: There are about 4,000 known species of apicomplexans, which are unicellular parasites. As a relic of secondary endosymbiosis, stramenopiles possess unusually complex organelle membranes. Phaeothamniophyceae Andersen & Bailey 1998 s.l. C. Increasing water acidity levels caused by rising concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide hairy flagella The range of variation within these organisms is stunning. Which of the following characteristics is unique to the stramenopiles SARis one of the five eukaryotic supergroups currently recognized by the The International Society of Protistologists. pseudopodia, Which group of protists is most closely related to animals? [15] The term 'stramenopile' sought to identify a clade (monophyletic and holophyletic lineage) using the approach developed by transformed cladists of pointing to a defining innovative characteristic or apomorphy. Most flagellated heterokonts have two flagella; the anterior flagellum has one or two rows of stiff hairs or mastigonemes, and the posterior flagellum is without such embellishments, being smooth, usually shorter, or in a few cases not projecting from the cell. E. calcium carbonate crystals, The choanoflagellates are in the supergroup Genome sequence of the stramenopile - Genome Biology They have a siliceous internal skeleton. A summary of the major SAR phyla is provided below: This is a large and diverse group of organisms that is also known as the Heterokonta or as heterokonts. -A host cell ingests two or more symbionts simultaneously. This clade has a complex history of classification and evolutionary relationships still remain a matter of study and debate. Planktonic and benthic forams have a long fossil record, extending back to the Cambrian Period. E. floods and formation of glaciers. They are originally defined as eukaryotic protists producing asymmetrically biflagellated zoospores, characterized by an anterior flagellum bearing ciliary hairs and a short posterior one ( Cavalier-Smith, 2018 ). T or F, Protists are organisms that are generally microscopic, live in moist environments, and cannot be classified in the animal, plant, or fungal kingdoms. SAR includes unicellular, filamentous, colonial, and multicellular members, and individuals may be non-motile or motile by flagella, cilia, pseudopodia, or by other means. lichenD. [32][24][33] The ancestor of the SAR supergroup appears to have captured a unicellular photosynthetic red alga, and many Stramenopiles, as well as members of other SAR groups such as the Rhizaria, still have plastids which retain the double membrane of the red alga and a double membrane surrounding it, for a total of four membranes. E. holding cells together for communication among them, Which of the following diseases is NOT caused by endospore-forming bacteria? E. prokaryotic cells being engulfed and becoming external symbionts within an early bacteria cell. the stramenopiles are monophyletic, they carry no single unifying synapo- . Opisthokonta B. Rhizaria C. Amoebozoa D. E. myxomycetosis, The sexual phase of Plasmodium is called a(n) organisms C. that all protists are not more closely related to Golden (also called golden-brown) algae possess darker fucoxanthin pigments, while the yellow-green algae possess other, more yellowish xanthophyll pigments. bottom until stimulated by chemicals from fish. pseudopodia B. possession of hard shells C. tertiary Dinoflagellates have an armor-like plating over the cell membrane and perpendicular flagella, or long thin tails used for swimming, that give the cell a spiraling, spinning motion. Which B. Dinoflagellates (Division or Phylum Pyrrhophyta) are a group of primarily unicellular organisms united by a suite of unique characteristics, including flagellar insertion, pigmentation, organelles, and features of the nucleus, that distinguishes them from other groups. BIO331 Final: Eukaryotic Microbes Flashcards | Quizlet mature cells Chloroplast, mitochondria, nucleus, endosymbiotic. diploid micronucleus, that (7) divides mitotically, producing diploid A. E. Actinobacteria. D. It is a major cause of food poisoning in humans. pathogen. micronuclei with each new cell receiving two micronuclei each. T or F, Heterotrophic protists that feed by ingesting particles are referred to as: C. CO E. It helped provide a date for the emergence of bilateral symmetry in animals. E. lockjaw. protozoans D. periphyton E. viruses, Phytophthora, a pathogen attacking a wide variety of plants, Given what you know about cyanobacteria, which of the following is the more similar species? B. parasite The amniotic egg evolved as an adaptation These function in feeding and/or movement. D. It allows developing drugs that target metabolic pathways unique [13] But the same term was used for other groupings of algae. Chlorophyta B. Stramenopiles: Diatoms, Brown Algae, Golden Algae and Oomycetes Figure 6. Dinoflagellates: There are about 2,000 described species of dinoflagellates, which are unicellular organisms with two flagella of different morphology. On the origin of TSAR: morphology, diversity and phylogeny of Telonemia Her eyes show no ulceration or conjunctivitis. They all have mitochondria and reproduce by open fission (mitosis). They are currently grouped with the stramenopiles and Rhizaria among the protists with tubulocristate mitochondria into the SAR supergroup . transferred to chlorophyll a A. cyanobacteria E. Conquest of land by arthropods and vertebrates and an increase in animal body sizes. B. Most are unicellular and have a zygotic cycle. These flagellates swim in the direction the hair-bearing flagellum is pointing. However, early evolution of the plastid organelle in Ochrophyta is not fully understood. Also, in the vegetative state they have diploid nuclei, whereas fungi have haploid nuclei. E. mutualist. Stramenopiles have chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c1/c2, and fucoxanthin as photosynthetic pigments. zygote This stramenopile cell has a single hairy flagellum and a secondary smooth flagellum. The major stramenopiles groups include Diatoms: They are unicellular protists that encase themselves in glassy cell walls with intricate patterns. Which of the following statements does NOT describe a function of the cell walls of bacteria? E. cyclic land drift. Flagella occur in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. C. yellow fever These plastids were obtained by secondary, tertiary, or possibly even quaternary endosymbiosis. If used narrowly, a chloroplast is a plastid which contains chlorophyll B, as in. The metacarpophalangeal joints of both index fingers are swollen, stiff, and tender. Despite its appearance, kelp is not a plant since it is not made of more than one clearly differentiated tissue; it is a heterokont. from the water C. directing currents away from the Resists penicillin and requires other antibiotics, change of position in the environment, structures that allow cells to move to favorable conditions, threadlike structures on surface of cell, twitch or glide across surfaces. Although heterotrophic they may contain zooxanthellae (dinoflagellate endosymbionts). C. families Most excavates are unicellular, heterotrophic flagellates. The stipes of some kelps have a central zone of elongated conducting cells. D. are all more closely related to bacteria than they are to other organisms TRUE about fungus-like protists and fungi. decomposers C. A Your email address will not be published. A. E. They protect against viruses. D. the use of microorganisms to attack pathogenic bacteria when there is not enough light Because of this, brown algae have historically been included in a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms called stramenopiles. A. merozoites 1, node 5) after the cryptophyte divergence (1,189 MYA; fig. Type III systems bind to the cellular membrane by slimy mucilage and toxins diffuse across the membrane, whereas Type IV systems infect cells using pili as transfer tubes. adapted to absorb more of the light of which of the following colors? Older rock is deeper and older organisms are deeper in the rock bed, length of time required for a radioisotope to decay to exactly one-half of its initial quantity, "energized" and polymerized "linked" to form DNA RNA proteins, membrane forms and encloses DNA RNA proteins, urey-miller replicates old earth atmosphere (lightning) amino acids, nucleotide precursors, meteorites brought organic carbon to Earth atmosphere, biologically important molecules may have been formed in the temperature gradient between extremely hot vent water and cold ocean water, have all organelles that formed by ingestion, can occupy habitats with extreme conditions, ~50 phyla, most favor moderate conditions, sometimes form symbiotic relationships with eukaryotes, small, peptidoglycan membrane, horizontal gene transfer, gram stain, named for blue-green color, the only prokaryotes that generate oxygen, photosynthetic, fixes nitrogen, wetland, abundant in fresh water, oceans and wetlands and on surfaces of arid soils B. Many stramenopiles also have an additional flagellum that lacks hair-like projections. B. D. respond to other individual bacteria and transmit DNA via conjugation What Characteristics Do Stramenopiles Have? - FAQS Clear The stramenopiles include the golden algae ( Chrysophyta ), the brown algae ( Phaeophyta ), and the diatoms ( Bacillariophyta ). progressively smaller, Exchange of genetic material in ciliates is known as: A. Most have cellulose cell walls. [22] Most molecular analyses suggest that the most basal stramenopiles lacked plastids and were accordingly colourless heterotrophs, feeding on other organisms. repeated cell divisions the half that is overlapped gets progressively D. There are approximately 200 coliform bacterial species per milliliter. Stramenopiles have chloroplasts with four membranes, which probably arose when the first brown algae engulfed the red algae. They maintain cell shape. A. cotranslational sorting. protein ooze A. it allows scientists to cause mutations in the DNA thereby killing the pathogen disintegrates, (5) the cells separate, each with two nuclei, one of choanoflagellates The importance of kelp forests to marine vertebrate and invertebrate animal populations cannot be overstated. [10][11] The name "stramenopile" has been discussed by J. C. Which of the following statements best describes secondary cell ingests another cell already containing a primary symbiont. cysts, In the Plasmodium life cycle, which stage is produced in the mosquito host and injected into humans during mosquito feeding? An unfortunate deer becomes stuck in quicksand at the edge of a lake and dies. This means: E. attaching to the substrate, Stramenopiles are unique in that they possess: A. the choanoflagellates B. it allows scientists to prevent meiosis and the duplication of genes necessary for the survival of the pathogen C. No, because bacteria continued to decompose its skeleton after it was buried. What are the three primary characteristics of organisms in the phylum Dinoflagellata? zygote sporozoite B. gametocyte C. merozoite D. the other choices provided, A. emission of flashes of light by organisms. -They are autotrophs, but they are not parasite. C. Encourage sustainable fishing D. alveoli beneath the plasma membrane The stramenopiles are a monophyletic group of eukaryotes that possess tripartite hairs along one flagellum. [1]There are two reasons that this group is no longer used. Which situation would be most likely to form a fossil under normal environmental conditions? Stramenopiles are unique in that they possess: A. double plastids B. hairy flagella C. alveoli D. disk-shaped mitochondrial cristae E. calcium carbonate crystals B. hairy flagella 12 There was a massive immigration of Irish to the United States in the mid-19th century because of a failure of the Irish potato crop caused by: Most species are planktonic, but some exist in symbiotic relationships. However, the stricter use of the term Plantae is one that which includes only the land plants and green algae. There is an alternation of generations. A. D. mitochondrial genomes. tertiary endosymbiosis D. dengue fever Members of this subgroup range in size from single-celled diatoms to the massive and multicellular kelp. A. D. methanogen B. eutrophic Most of the algae possess plastids acquired through endosymbiosis with a member of the Archaeplastida, although some have plastids acquired by tertiary endosymbiosis and one photosynthetic cercozoan (Paulinella)likely represents a unique instance of primary endosymbiosis with a Cyanobacteria. They are These cells have a central flagellum surrounded by a collar of microvilli. egg diploid micronuclei disintegrates, (2) then the surviving one B. production of antibiotics Chromalveolates and the Evolution of Plastids by Secondary E. They contain endosymbionts. B. the use of microorganisms to break down harmful substances in the environment D. a rare, desert-dwelling lizard. mating strains are nonmotile and have to be dispersed by currents
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