Verily, I revealed Myself only for the sake of His Cause, and I came amongst you solely to herald the Kingdom of God, your Lord and the Lord of the worlds. How wondrous a mystery, how wondrous indeed! Praise be to God, there wafted therefrom the sweet savours of the rose-garden of true knowledge and inner meaning. By Him Who is the Eternal Truth! Guide, then, the people unto the garden of delight which God hath made the Throne of His Paradise. 10 Arise, and proclaim unto the entire creation the tidings that He Who is the All-Merciful hath directed His steps towards the Rivn and entered it. No man can reckon, nor can any tongue tell, what hath befallen Thy chosen ones during all this time. In the name of God, Who hath cast His splendour over all creation! Nay, Thou hast illumined this Day, O my Best-Beloved, with the very lights of Thine own inaccessible Being and with the full glory of Thine own exalted Essence. Haply, by reason of Our departure on this most sublime and wondrous Day, the peoples of earth and heaven may emerge from behind the veils of self and passion; draw nigh unto God, the Most Exalted, the All-Glorious; and become detached from whatsoever He hath created or ordained in this world. 2 Divest, then, Thy servants, O my God, of the garments of self and desire, or grant that the eyes of Thy people may be lifted up to such heights that they will discern in their desires naught except the stirring of the gentle winds of Thine eternal glory, and may recognize in their own selves nothing but the revelation of Thine own merciful Self, that the earth and all that is therein may be cleansed of whatever is alien to Thee, or anything that manifesteth aught save Thy Self. 7 O Al! Abandon your couches and undertake the Most Great Pilgrimage for the sake of this pure and refulgent Beauty. I don't remember about that, but I believe I accepted it. Ordain for him, and for Thy servants who have been hindered from meeting Thee, the recompense decreed for such as have attained Thy presence and convened a gathering to exalt Thy name and Thy remembrance. What hath become of the creation and the manifestations thereof? Wilt Thou not pity, O my Beloved, the eyes which have been dimmed by reason of their separation from Thee, and because of the cessation of the signs of Thy victory? 20 Lauded be Thy name, O Thou Who art the Goal of my desire! May my entire being be offered up as a sacrifice for Thy patience, O Lord of might and power! I yield Thee such thanks as can direct the steps of the wayward towards the splendours of the morning light of Thy guidance, and enable those who yearn towards Thee to attain the seat of the revelation of the effulgence of Thy beauty. He verily hath testified, in Himself and by Himself, ere the heaven of His Cause was raised up and the clouds of His Decree were gathered together, that there is none other God but Him, and that He Who hath appeared is that Most Great Name through which His ancient proof and testimony have been established before all who are in the heavens and on the earth. From eternity Thou didst Thyself describe Thine own Self unto Thy Self, and extol, in Thine own Essence, Thine Essence unto Thine Essence. 4 I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy most excellent names and Thy most exalted attributes, and by them that have soared in the atmosphere of Thy nearness and good-pleasure and taken flight upon the wings of trust and detachment towards the Dayspring of Thy name, the All-Merciful, and by the blood that hath been shed for Thy sake, and by the sighs that have been uttered for Thy love, to accept from us on this day all our works in Thy path. All praise be to Thee, O Desire of the worlds! 11 From which the fragrant breezes of the spirit were perceived. Thus have I informed you, O people, of Him Whose remoteness hath lacerated My heart and Who hath made Me to quaff the cup of separation. Endue them, then, with such constancy in Thy love and in Thy Cause, that they may never break Thy Covenant nor violate Thy Testament to which they pledged themselves ere the creation of the heavens and the earth. Give them to drink, from the hands of Thy mercy, a draught from that river of everlasting life that floweth from the right hand of Thy Throne, and aid them to abide by that which Thou hast revealed in Thy perspicuous Book. Before Him arose the sighs of His lovers, whilst behind Him could be heard the lamentations of them that yearn after Him. 9 Praise be to Thee, O my God, that Thou hast revealed Thy favours and Thy bounties; and glory be to Thee, O my Beloved, that Thou hast manifested the Day-Star of Thy loving-kindness and Thy tender mercies. 4 Thy might beareth me witness, O my Well-Beloved! 11 Say: This is a Day whereon God hath made His own Self known and revealed it unto all who are in the heavens and on earth, a day whereon He hath established His sovereign ascendancy over the kingdoms of revelation and creation. Hear now the tidings of remoteness and separation, for the Luminary of the world hath purposed to depart from the land of Irq, in accordance with the firm covenant that hath been set forth in the Scriptures of God, the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.. We have, verily, reared you for this Day. 10 She then let fall a raven lock, an ornament of spirit in the darkest nighthow wondrous a hue, how wondrous indeed!. This is the Day whereon every veil hath been parted, and your Lord, the Almighty, the Most Bountiful, hath appeared and fulfilled through His appearance all that was promised aforetime. does anybody know if I can still become a lich if I got to chapter 5 without speaking with Zacharius through the Storyteller? 5 This is the Day whereon the All-Merciful shed the splendour of His effulgence upon all names. Konoha Hypocrite - Chapter 71: Inheritance Abundance, Playing Hard To 33 As He departed, a cry of sorrow ascended from the garden, and its trees, and leaves, and fruits, and walls, and air, and ground, and pavilion, while the dwellers of the deserts and the wilderness, and even the very dunes and the dust of the earth, rejoiced at His approach. It grants 3d10+ the caster's level hit points to all allies within 30 . 3 Lauded art Thou, O Lord, for having singled out Thy loved ones and chosen them from amongst Thy people, and for having turned Thy gaze towards them from this spot wherein He Who is the Embodiment of Thy Cause lieth imprisoned. 4 Potent art Thou over all who are in the kingdoms of Thy revelation and Thy creation. 8 I bear witness, this very moment, to what Thou hast testified for Thine own Self, ere Thou hadst created the heavens and the earth, that Thou art God, and that there is none other God besides Thee. He, verily, praiseth His own Self on their behalf and mentioneth Himself through their tongues. They are such that the lowliest among Thy creatures hath been made by Thee a manifestation of Thy most august attribute, and the most contemptible token of Thy handiwork hath been chosen as a recipient of Thy most mighty name. I yield Thee such thanks as can make every created thing to be a book that shall speak of Thee, and a scroll that shall unfold Thy praise. We are but poor creatures who have detached ourselves from all save Thee, set our faces towards the treasury of Thy wealth, and fled from remoteness in the hope of approaching Thee. This is the Day whereon the Pen of God hath absolved all who are in the heavens and on earth. 5 O Pen! God's wrath magnifies the holiness of his love. The Hidden Secret and Treasured Mystery hath been revealed. Rich is the prize that shall be won by him who hath believed and exclaimed: Lauded art Thou, O Beloved of all worlds! He it is Who proclaimeth within all things: Verily, I am your Lord, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Then he sounded his trumpet anew; they arose and, fixing their gaze upon this glorious Vision, cried out: Hallowed be the Lord, the most excellent of all creators!. Verily, He Who is invoked by all that are in heaven is now come!. So apparently, to become a Lich, I need to 'weaken my soul' first. Praise be unto Thee, a praise that hath endued the hearts of Thy loved ones with such constancy that no earthly veil can hinder them from fixing their gaze upon the horizon of Thy bounties, nor can the ascendancy of the oppressors deter them from beholding the wondrous light of Thy countenance. Hasten unto Him and tarry not. Hasten, then, to the river of the mercy of your Lord, the All-Merciful, and beware lest ye withhold yourselves from its soft-flowing waters. I beseech Thee to ordain for them all the good Thou dost possess. Step forth from the court of eternity, but let not thy most pure gaze linger upon the faces of mortal men. 5 This is the Day whereon naught can be seen except the splendours of the Light that shineth from the face of Thy Lord, the Gracious, the Most Bountiful. Thou, in truth, art the Lord of might and grandeur, and the Ruler of earth and heaven. And blessed the faithful one that hath remained unshaken by the onslaught of the hosts of oppression and the ascendancy of the exponents of denial, them that have fallen prey to their own idle imaginings and repudiated the very One to Whom they claim allegiance. 10 Since Thy bounty hath suffused the whole universe and the lights of Thy countenance have illumined all created things, I beseech Thee by this Day, and by the hearts which Thou hast made to be the repositories of Thy knowledge and inspiration and the treasuries of Thy revelation and recognition, to grant that the signs of Thine undisputed ascendancy may shine above the horizon of Thy command, that the showers of Thy surpassing mercy may rain from the heaven of Thy grace, and that the tokens of Thy deliverance may appear through the operation of Thy sovereign Will. Say: O assemblage of malice! HappierShibe 2 yr. ago. Through the sovereign potency of Thine inviolable protection, Thou hast shielded me beneath the veils of light and guarded my beauty from the gaze of Thine enemies. Give ear unto that which the unbelievers have imputed to thee. Praise be unto Thee, a praise that hath unloosed the tongue of every stammerer in Thy celebration, that hath drawn every remote one nigh unto the seat of Thy mighty throne, and that hath guided every thirsty one to the living waters of Thy bounty and the soft-flowing streams of Thy favour. Subduing the Spirit is a Quest in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. O my desire and the desire of every understanding heart! 19 Her pearl-like teeth did flash, no sooner had She smiled. This is one of the days of Thy Rivn Festival whereon Thou didst shed the splendour of Thy name, the All-Merciful, upon all the peoples of the earth, and didst manifest Thy power and Thy sovereignty unto all created things. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). 2 O Pen! 21 O Lord! Can anyone befittingly thank Thee for such blessings as Thou hast sent down from the heaven of Thy oneness and the firmament of Thy Will, blessings which Thou hast reserved for the people of Bah in the realm of creation? Daily Declarations for Spiritual Warfare: Biblical Principles to Defeat Indeed, the sighs of His loved ones caused His heart to swell with such grief that none in the heavens or on the earth could bear its weight. 6 This is a festival wherein all things have been absolved by virtue of the appearance of Him Who is the Ancient King from behind the veil of names. 4 O Pen! Arise before the nations of the earth, and arm thyself with the power of this Most Great Name, and be not of those who tarry. Each day's text is written from God's point of view, giving you the power and wisdom to pray for your needs or the needs of . MWP Chel. I yield Thee such thanks as can enable the Heavenly Dove to warble forth, upon the branches of the Lote-Tree of Immortality, her song: Verily, Thou art God. Attire us then with the robe of forgiveness, O my God, in this Day whereon Thou hast assumed the throne of Thy grace and bounty invested with the full glory of Thy names and attributes; the Day whereon the sun of Thy beauty hath dawned above the horizon of Thy grandeur, and the signs of Thy glorious sovereignty have been vouchsafed from the treasury of Thy grace; the Day whereon the sweet savours of reunion have wafted over all who are in Thy heaven and on Thine earth, and the hidden Word hath shone forth from the repository of Thy protection and power. I have quite a hard time finding him, I can't go back to the ziggurat since i'm stuck at Midnight's Isles and everywhere I search was in vain Thx for the game, I love it even when i'm stuck waiting for the Alushinyrra's walls to move out of my way ! I yield Thee such thanks as can assist the hearts of Thine ardent lovers to soar into the atmosphere of nearness to Thee, and of longing for Thee, and kindle the Light of Lights within the land of Irq. 24 She cried a cry of anguish, as to reduce all things to naught. What of the hidden secrets of the universe and its revelations? In the name of Him Who hath cast His splendour over the entire creation! Thou bearest witness, and seest, and knowest the things that have befallen Thy loved ones in Thy days, and the continual trials, and the successive tribulations, and the incessant afflictions, which have been sent down upon Thine elect. The wrath of God is owing to our sin, which exchanges the glory of God for the glory of man. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous BETA - Lich Mystical Path Part 25 Follow Him, and be not of those that have turned aside. Shatter not the hopes of this lowly one to attain the shores of Thy glory, and deprive not this wretched creature of the immensities of Thy riches, and cast not away this suppliant from the doors of Thy grace, and Thy bounty, and Thy gifts. I am, verily, the All-Bountiful, the Ancient of Days. Happy is he that turneth thereunto; well is it with him that hath attained, and gazed on the light of so wondrous a countenance. Upon thee be My glory and My loving-kindness. All hail then to this, the Festival of the Lord, that hath appeared above a horizon of wondrous grace!
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